Most pple (me included) are enjoying the new content that FS has rolled out.
Some crybabies fuss about not being able to solorun legend and dodge thru everything (they are crybabies, duh)
Wise people ponder on the further culling of the playerbase with locking a whole freaking game mode and difficulty behind a paywall.
IMHO: It’s worth its money, but damn I am angry.
I think you’ll have to decide for yourself, based on what is worth your time and money. I personally think the price is great, would even go for €20 just for the sake of supporting FS.
Heck, I’ve saved up alot of money by not buying games from Epic sellouts and Surprise-mechanic shop- I mean AAA games.
Yeah, FS finally did what I feared the most, they locked new difficulty behind the DLC. What can I say, GJ splitting already not very big community of so-called “near top players” even more.
Would say cata being locked to the expansion isnt as big deal as some consider, its a mode you shouldnt be playing if you havent allready played this game quite alot (insert hours…) And if you cant drop buying that one pizza from down the corner over a game you allready put in alot of hours if thats the case. But yes wouldnt hurt if cata just followed the patch either.
I for one are glad not everyone gonna join cata thinking they will be carried. Good thing they will reward just the same chest in legend as in a cata. smart move
I’d say from my current playing its really not even for that price. If you really want to play cata or want to face stupidly tuned beastman or like weaves for some reason then yes it could be worth it but for everything else don’t even consider it. Atm to me it feels worse in many ways than what it was in closed betas and that’s saying a lot.
I’d, personally, say that the DLC is absolutely worth it. For the content provided, $20 is dirt-cheap for how much gameplay I’m about to get out of it.
I imagine my price-point at $1 for every hour of entertainment; that’s about 1/10 the price of going out for an hour of laser-tag or bowling if you go on a deal-day… I’ll certainly play Vermintide for a few hundred more hours, so it’s worth the price to me.
If you’ll only play Vermintide 2 for a total of 40 hours? Maybe not, I’d still say it’s a good deal. Only 2 hours? Okay, that’s too expensive.
The time and effort of the devs to try and deliver the game they believe will suit me best? Well, I’d happily tip the team $20 for their efforts and the laughs I’ve gotten, let alone the DLC. FatShark has provided me something I enjoy so much that I’ve built entire memories around LAN-partying with my friends and clearing out our first Veteran runs; can’t wait to see what I can do next