Forgive me if some of this is a little vague, I don’t trawl other places looking for information about the Winds of Magic and this is only based upon the information I have gleaned from PC Gamer articles and stuff like that. No Reddit, No Steam Forums. I’d rather not plunge neck deep in a swamp.
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong on some of the detail.
When the winds of Magic launches and the weaves are launched, it is my understanding that the weaves will be a set difficulty that has been crafted by hand by the Devs.
First weave is Fire, second is Death magic, Third is Gold Magic and so on, allowing players to attempt the set “weave” before they can get to the next one.
I was hoping to be able to play with people who are competent and attempting the same weave as me, so I’ll personally be trying to orchestrate my friends list with events to let people know I’m going to do whatever weave I’m attempting next.
In Short, most Fridays I’ll be starting a game about 8.30 PM GMT to play the weaves, inviting trusted people to join, as my regular group’s RL work causes such disjointed hours we can’t guarantee to ever even get 4 together at once. I’d rather not be attempting the Weaves in QP. 0.o
I know I know, Discord.
Is there any mileage in posting here? Maybe getting a routine going using Deeds? I’d like to actually play with some of the people here a bit more often rather than pure fluke. I also reckon some of the harder Weaves are really going to be something that needs a well oiled team.
Obviously those of you who are not UK time might need to set up their own little meets. What do you think?