Will be back after SM2 campaign

I agree and funny thing I have is a rig setup where I play with display mounted to emulate a vr rig, sure helps with the immersion in the gameplay


too bad there is like 200 people playing lmao

sad to see the speed of updates

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Yeah and 100 of them never stop playing so they’re at the level of a Pro Rocket League player and whoop my ass. :joy:

I did see so far the gameplay and reviews by the hardcore game streamers where they pointed out the pre- and on-launch issues. I agree the combat in DT compared to SM2 is apples to oranges. SM2 works off much of the combat mechanics that were in SM1 with just a slight bit of changes

The crazy thing is how they didnt put any 1% HP/Second Regen into SM2 for players, ironic as Space Marines do have some healing regen (as per SM1), they had a chance to put in something that is not OP and helps for the fact that there are unblockable damage procs by enemies attacks, that aren’t just chips (very chunky damages)

TLDR, I am loving SM2, no microtransactions, a game that respects my time and works. No alt+f4 nonsense or toxicity. They are both very similar and very different at the same time.

The game works on launch, almost flawlessly. Remember Darktide Launch? The year of suffering? Oh how nice it is to play a game that works on launch.

For context, all the pre-orders have pretty much completed all the content. (12 hours worth of missions if you walk Single/coop). The replay ability is high(for me). But this is the classic, beat it on the hardest difficulty. Each mission is quite long, even co-op. I can see the grind to upgrade be a slog.

The upgrade system/class system is grindy. The classes also lack a gimmick for survivability, besides the stun/sync kill, something FS has spoiled the community with. “Clutching” doesn’t happen in SM2. You really want everyone alive stun locking traitors to death.

I will reserve myself for a while until the community for Space Marines 2 figures out builds, but its pretty much just Death by Melta fire on the hardest difficulties. I also am already itching for new maps. 6 co-op missions isn’t enough to level up 5 different classes.

The 5 classes Ult economy is a head scratcher.

I do find myself wanting to play Vermintide / Darktide , but I have a jetpack in SM2.

The “banter” voice-lines in SM2 during co-op have been repeated frequently, nothing like what FS can do, but they do have unique characters for each class. Character just talk about their ults and how they like to kill stuff since its to complex to discuss what chapter banner is on my armor. I feel the game fails in this aspect. SM2 needs dialogue of the different chapters you are playing as.

Instead we get:

“let me use your jetpack!”
“no way jose!”

“does your ult scans the target?”
“you need help aiming?”

“let me use your weapon”

Darktide has a 2 year head start for content.

The only thing SM2 needs is maps and missions. The melee combat pales in comparison to DT, but its still satisfyingly basic. Dialogue would keep me engaged for a long time, something I love FS games for doing.


I tried vt2 after numerous recommendations from DT players and was shocked at how flat it felt. It felt like I was pressing a button whereas DT feels like I’m actually swinging something heavy.

It’s not even comparable. The rest of the game might work better for various reasons but vt2 doesn’t even touch DT imo.

DT Is literally the absolute pinnacle of melee FPS combat.

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if only the guys behind it were competent

this could’ve been the best tide game ever but they unimaginably f#cked it

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I actually disagree with this.

Due to how the characters develop (in both story and ability), I see the characters in DT as “character” models (IE hero models) whom just happen to have a back story of wrongful imprisonment and repentance.

It makes the game make a lot more sense.

I think you’re thinking it’s worse than it is though. The game is immensely fun. The fact that the onion layers on top of the incredible gameplay are a bit flaky doesn’t mean it’s a total f-up.

SM2 might be very polished but in no imaginable universe will I play 1k hours of it like I have DT.


the game could’ve been so much more if it wasn’t rushed

we didn’t need to have the stupid casino, we could’ve had actual weapon customization

also it’s not fun at this point when you got soulless hylics running smite 24/7 and plasma, game is probably at it’s worst point and it’s just gonna get worse

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Oh for sure, definitely worse than launch…or before any crafting options were in game…or before the auric board…or before the trees rework…

at least the f#cking spawns were working then


I honestly don’t want to return to DT, and after SM2 like completely.

SM2 in 2 hours gave me more emotions than DT in 200 hours i spend there.
Open theatre of war, shots everywgere, freakin Leman Russ actually moving and shooting, do you see that, Fatshark!? It should’t be just as static decoration!
I don’t want to go back to infinite recolored corridors in DT(Maybe do some missions in desert thou)
And i never wanted to spend any minute in the Mourning star, just let me go to the mission and have fun. No crafting, no blessing, no rolling just let me have fun with weps i want to use without min/maxin it.
And that what i actually did, in 200 hours i spend around 3 and most of it just walking from spawn to mission table and waiting for beggining, i used stuff i got from completing missions.
So i don’t honestly care about itemisation update, cause it just way to make me sit in Mourningstar, instead of killing heretics and not another maybe fun original BOSS!

I am not even waiting for new mission with…train? That was teased. Its just too late.

P.S. Jasper Kyd is still Emperor himself, can’t deny that.

I think people see that SM2 combat isn’t any deep, but overall expirience makes game fun. However people don’t care how DT combat is good when it’s come to a bigger picture, cause rest of the systems suck and game was unpolished and barely supported for 2 years.

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oh noes the bar grinding isn’t ‘fulfilling’ and neither is the random gearing. these are so minor to actually playing any game. and so is the actual in game impact of that garbage too.

your personal expectation of content doesn’t match up with reality though, as much as people want to think ‘updating the game basically every 2 weeks’ means doing nothing. you could certainly want more, and we all do, but this isn’t a Turtle Rock situation where they already ‘stopped supporting’ the game. it is ongoing. more major updates coming. pity potty about it til the actual 41st millennium if you want but they literally owe you nothing and have delivered tons anyway.

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Pls, release me from the need to read that “your expectations is your problem” whitekngihting.

Fixing reappeared bugs for the 3rd time isn’t a content, aswell as changing shooters stats every month. Orthus Offensive that brings ZERO replaybility and value? New MTX drop? Oh wow.

The only real juicy patch was #13 Skill Tree update.

PoE is a free game, delivering insane ammount of content every league. You can enjoy your low standarts as much as you want. But reality looks like this.


The only one whose pointless standards haven’t been met would be you. Considering your grave praise of SM2 combat here that take could not mean possibly less. Just like screen charts and review campaigns. Do you like the game? No? Then why are you wasting your life complaining about it? Or trying to convince people who do like it they’re wrong? It’s literally that simple. Form your own opinion. And maybe get good at a game if you think the 15 year old gameplay of Space Marine 1 I mean 2 is better than Darktide. That take literally belongs in a garbage can.

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Hrm, whatever one wants to say about gameplay between SM2 and DT (and there’s plenty valid to say there), the grinds and gearing are pretty much exactly what turned most people off DT (a quick look at Steamcharts shows how insanely fast DT’s population dropped off after launch relative to competitor titles and why average players pops have remained at a fraction of those titles), why DT reviews have historically been mixed-negative (again, it’s grinds and gearing that people complain about most often), and it’s changes to these things that appear to draw players back to DT.

That is true, the modern zoomer not-game related complaint of worrying more about a background hamster wheel than the actual desire to keep running in it did make a bunch of pointless review bombing. Like how much is this coming change going to improve on the one that simply changed the locks to 1 of? Are your weapons really going to be that much more ‘unleashed’ running flak and maniacs? Another year of wasted updates to satiate people number maxing in a game simply not designed around it, for no gain whatsoever.

Seeing some of those players come back with riveting researched takes like Space Marine gameplay being anything but dated and boring makes me think good riddance to bad rubbish.

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This is the single best thing I’ve read this whole year.