Why is everyone getting so peeved about friendly fire?

Annoyance at friendly fire is rarely about the damage (unless it is a lot of it, or if the player is low health).
Generally if you deal freindly fire, you are using your ranged weapon at a time when it is unnecessary/inappropriate. To give you an idea of when that might be the case consider when “helping” becomes “kill stealing”.

I’ve had times where I’ve been 1v1 with a Stormvermin using a weapon that makes them very low threat (Halberd for example). If you fire a beam past me to try to kill it - you are just being greedy. Even if you don’t hit me with the beam, I may not be able to dodge without taking damage. In any case, in that scenario you didn’t help anyone.

So what happens when you get hit by friendly fire? Your screen flashes red briefly and your lose significant accuracy (if you are using ranged weapons). Taking a shot in the back whilst trying to manage a horde can throw you off, if it isn’t immediately obvious that it was friendly fire it might seem like you are boxed in by enemies.

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Also… if you’re in melee… especially if you’ve been engage by the Horde too… it staggers you.

So you don’t just take the FF hit, you likely take a few hits from the mobs too…

You can really see it when you’re sliding with a fast weapon, and keeping the mobs staggered yourself, then thud… you get hit from behind by Friendly Fire… and suddenly everything you are doing stops dead. The mobs recover whack you too, and then suddenly you have this even larger chunk of health cut from you.

So its more than just damage too, just as you say. Especially if you’re front line and sliding back and forth using your weapon to keep the mobs staggered and avoid damage yourself.

My stance on FF is that it’s unfun. When I play Sienna I do it to burn things not wave a sword or look for an angle. FF hinders you from using your tool kit which to me is boring. If you remove FF and the game then becomes to easy because things die to fast you up the health of enimies.

FF is seriously ruining my game experience and most important my fun.

So… play on Veteran?

FF makes the game more challenging and more exciting. If using your melee weapon and paying attention to positioning and angles ruins the fun for you, then you’re not going to like champion or legend anyway…

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No upgrades from veteran. I have no problem with champ/legend it’s just that I find FF to be annoying not “challenging and more exicting”.

they need to add friendly fire to every difficulty just scale it down for the noobs and make recruit damage 0 so people can start learning how to not hit others strategically

Just gief FF on scoreboard
Also gief temporaly health gathered

I really screw the guys who use ulty to relase you from grabs…

dont know how too delete intirely …

That’s one Benefit of the dwarf.
As he is so small most people shoot over him .
Then again as an IB i See it often that i Charge my Iron drake on Audio cue of an Horde inside a Korridor,

They come from 2 sides and I turn around and let it Ripp.

So one side is pretty much cleared. On the other side sienna and kerillian mulch through the other incoming.

Kruber realises he wont dominante the leaderbord with his blunderbus,

Unsheats his executionblade and dives intoo the torrent of fire before me. My Cross hairs gets Green and for the Rest of the inc i hear his Charakter complain

You said let it ripp omegalul xD im f***** done :joy::joy: “charakter” im dead :skull:

I’ve seen both types of situations, where a teammate is doing more damage to other heroes than enemies, and where a teammate complains of FF even though they are poorly positioned or mistaking enemy hits as FF. The former presents an additional challenge I can enjoy by staying clear away from the front of them, crouching, and/or watching them get mauled by enemies behind them. As for the latter, these types seem to lack game sense and just want to vent their frustration at something - the mute option is sometimes employed.

I approve this message as a WS main.