Why Gameplay wont carry Darktide

Darktide has a myriad of issues, which I have discussed in other topics, as have most of the community, there are many obvious problems but the general consensus is that the core gameplay is good. I agree to a point. A lot of the game does feel good, but it quickly gets stale as compared to its fantasy counterpart.

  • There is basically 0 build diversity. I dont just mean weapons, i’ll talk about those in a moment. The talents are not very impactful or interesting, each tier has a definitively best option for almost every scenario, even swapping loadouts I almost never feel the need to change my talents. Why even have them at this point, they may as well be baked in.

  • Lack of class variety. 4 Classes, that feel for the most part a bit samesy, Im sure a lot of people may disagree with this one to a point, but… every class still throws you into a point and click simulator. The class specific weapons are often times mediocre or dont offer a different enough playstyle to where I feel like im doing much of anything different between say Vet or Zealot.

  • Weapons: Most of these feel good in a responsiveness manner, but man 90% of the weapons are bad, even if you do find something with a good roll 90% of Lasguns? Trash, Autoguns? Trash… Psykers on higher difficulty are functionally limited to 1 stave, and Ogryns just get rubbish. My already hyper limited playstyle is further pigeonholed by limiting me to a tiny arsenal of semi competent weapons.

  • Game is easy. I dunno, how else to explain this. Heresy and Damnation are just moving from 1 shooting gallery to another. The only time things go wrong is when people actively do stupid things, the introduction of coherency and how it functions means if player X dies for no reason, Im now at a disadvantage. This removes a lot of player agency and also creates a semi toxic environment (as we are seeing with half the community malding over how you can enter t3 < level 20, which btw is a crazy thing to be mad about malice is doable at level 5 zzzz)

No modded difficulties, no agency in any capacity, no endgame, no variety.


I think this is by-design. Can’t have 4 (soon to be more) dramatically different classes and not cause big problems with the consistency of run quality. Just look to Overwatch to see what happens when you let people randomly mash together teams of playable characters with radically different capabilities.

That last bullet is pretty on target. Unless they can figure out a way to drastically alter maps via special conditions it’s going to be pretty basic getting from start to finish. When a T4 or T5 run goes sideways it can almost always be traced back to one player making a mistake at a bad time to slip up.

Yeah i can see difficulty being something that pushes away lots of v2 veterans, especially the modded players. Damnation even with modifiers just does not cut it and whenever the most buggy aspects of the game get fixed it just gets even easier.

Talents/weapon balance meh it probably will get fixed eventually. Its not like vermintide was ever perfect with this or even still is.
Class variety is definitely something that will be soon needed.

I watched a lot of gameplay and such for this game and a lot of the problems coming to light are most of what I was expecting. The problems that the players of Darktide are speaking of are ones that have already been lived through with Vermintide 2 and its players. Everything from the cosmetics to the bugs. The only thing that I would say is dramatically different is that Darktide comes with an unacceptable four careers on launch versus the fifteen offered in Vermintide 2 on launch. No matter how I look at this game, this is basically an expensive and hollow version of Vermintide 2.

You can see all the gacha game designs that you see in a typical mobile game. You charge $40 for a game and then want that again for a handful of cosmetics. Like in Vermintide 2, the game used to be $30 and then for the 5 new skins that would come out it would be another $30. For cosmetics. It is an absolute joke. It’s not like $5-10 for the set or something closer to the realm of reason. The main point for moving towards cosmetics and free “DLC” is that it doesn’t segregate the playerbase but it still offers income for the company. It is always implemented in an egregious manner though by companies. That aside, you still have the RNG with guns and such.

The fact of the matter is that this is just a hollow version of Vermintide 2 that got a bunch of Warhammer 40k fans with a false sense that this would be Vermintide 2, but even better and also 40k. This was not an acceptable product to release. It wasn’t even fully developed. The playerbase and reviewers for this game are regurgitating the same thing Vermintide 2 players have said for years and they are pretending it’s all new. It is so uncanny. It is like watching life on replay or deja vu. Tencent definitely has a trademark effect on companies and games it associates itself with.


I see Hayase pfp, I upvote.

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Spot on.

The more I play the more I dislike the idea that you can have any combination of classes in the game.
Which I think is the reason why the feel the same because you can’t have players be at a disadvantage when you only have 4 of the same X class. However, that didn’t seem to work either. So now you have samey classes but still get matches where the match up is clearly at a disadvantage.

They should’ve forced Ogryn, Veteran, Zealot and Psyker. just like in VT2… but oh wait, there’s only 4 classes so that would feel horrible.
VT2’s system also encourage playing multiple classes for this reason but even IF we had this in Darktide we would STILL have separate items…

When I read the quote that this would be the game that took everything they learned from previous games put into one all I can conclude is that they thought VT 1 and VT 2 were garbage since they decided to not do ANY of that.

Shyamalan plot twist right there…


Did you play dark tide or is this all just your opinion based from videos other people have made… opinions other people have posted?

You don’t know anything about people just by rubbish they post on a forum.

Too many opinions being represented as fact. Game needs work we will see if they do it or not when the get back after the new year. I expect they will do in January. Until then your all just shouting into the void.


gameplay will not carry darktide for the simple reason that gameplay dont bring any rewards

its just an overpriced gacha


Veteran can experiment with Weapons and slightly alter Feats to better work with each of them.
The Player can use Infantry Autoguns, any Lasgun including Lucius, a Bolter or a Plasma Gun and only the latter limits Veteran’s efficiency in their shooter cleanup role.
But yes for other Classes the Player won’t get so much variety in higher Difficulty.

It’s like Veteran is the only class that’s actually finished lmao.

I think the difficulty argument is highly subjective, because for me going above difficulty 3 tends to be pretty tough, and basically no matter how well I play if my team isn’t on the ball we still die.

Other than that, yea, pretty much everything surrounding the gameplay with Darktide is shoddy at best. Psyker, Zealot and Ogryn talent trees are not allowing you to specialize those characters into builds that specialize in any given aspect of the class, but are right back to the VT2 way of doing things where a class does one thing and the talents are mostly just a question of how to optimize the class for that one thing. Gear, well, this forum is full of posts explaining why the gear is a bummer, no need to say it again.

I really hope Fatshark takes this all to heart, because I do genuinely enjoy playing this game, but all the things that really take a game to that place where you don’t put it down for months or years just aren’t there.

Subjective, but my counterpoint: people get better.

The community’s collective skill does grow in tide games (yes i do feel everyone reading that squinting). More and more people are going to learn that everyone except Vet plays differently (even counterintuitively) at high level.

Builds don’t matter as much as coherency :confused:

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Vermintide 2 was carried by gameplay for four years, despite a horrific launch, slow release schedule and Winds of Magic nearly killing the game entirely. You give people who want to push themselves what they want in map and difficulty select, and actually finish the crafting, then start working on continued support through maps and classes, and the game’ll be fine.


I’m generally not a big fan of simply giving more health and damage to enemies until only the most optimized strategies work.

Any game can be solved, so cranking up the difficulty simply by raising enemy stats tends to not actually make for a more enjoyable game, it just requires a more specific, hyper-optimized solution.

The joy in game difficulty doesn’t come from the fact that it’s difficult, it comes from the fact that your agency creates success. So, from that standpoint I don’t think making the game harder is the essential part in making it more entertaining. Giving people more opportunities to bring their own unique solution to the fight is much more important.

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Well, yeah, not arguing against that. Just pointing out OP isn’t wrong for saying damnation is easy.

As long as a team is all playing backline with veteran, it is a cake walk of a game. What makes those difficulties hard are people trying to play their characters the way the game told them they are supposed to be played as.

It’s just a matter of time for the bigger part of the community to realize that and learn their builds actually don’t matter much.

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Yeah, it’s definately early access title marketed as full release. The game needs a lot of everything added. Yes the gameplay is good, but there isn’t a single game in modern day I play for gameplay only, it needs rest of the modern day supporting systems and retention mechanics that makes me feel like I am not wasting my time.

I play a lot of Destiny 2, it has great gameplay sure, but if it did not release new season every 4 months with 30 new guns to collect, new perks to test out each season, and continuation of story, I would have been gone a long time ago. Bungie actually held recently some live service speech at game dev conference or whatever, something Fatshark should take a look at.

My point is, it’s only easy when you play in a very specific, highly optimized way that isn’t all that much fun. So raising the difficulty further isn’t going to make the game more fun.

What they need to do is make the possible outcomes to a mission more varied. Right now we basically just have pass/fail, so there is no way for particularly skilled teams to do anything extra to get a bigger reward or take a greater risk.

The single biggest problem in my opinion is, that the whole weapon system feels like an unfair lottery.

Like, for real, it’s literally impossible to get the gun in a (sort of) state you want. Base stats = lottery, Perks = lottery, Blessings = lottery

You can only rechoose one perk. I’m sure you’ll be only able to rechoose one blessing to in the future.

On top of that crafting materials are always scarce. But I got 1500000 ordo dockets - thank you.

Seriously, the whole loot / rng / item system is insanely bad. Vermintide 2 wasn’t perfect but you had at least the possibility to reroll traits / perks until you got the ones you wanted.


I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally need to hold back atm to not start cursing and swearing at fatshark in very bad manners.

I dont want to get banned.