Why do the yellow boxes exist?

More than half the boxes I check are empty. No matter the difficulty. Empty boxes everywhere. What’s truly odd is that right across the room sitting out in the open is some ammo. It would fit perfectly in that box, but nope, box is empty, ammo is sitting on the floor. And the large yellow chests that can hold three items, but is empty…why, just why?

Edit* I’m sorry this is really getting under my skin. I feel like I’m talking to my teenage kids. “Um boys…why the hell are the clothes I just washed and folded on the floor? The chesterdrawers are right there!!”


I feel you pain. People have always tried to label me border line ocd for putting things back where they go.

I think they are trying to be sneaky and hide the crafting mats etc so you have to look for them. The big yellow boxes are a bit obvious so they scatter some of it around in the little corners etc


Some? Most of it is all over the place! Like some loot goblin spilling stuff as he wanders through the level. lol


I think the empty boxes are a result of an internal company survey at FS where they asked their employees how they could cram more RNG into the game and some intern got a bonus for thinking about adding an additional coin toss check when opening boxes that checks if the box should be empty before the RNG that handles what should be in the box.
I might be wrong, but there’s like 67% chance of me being right on this.


Cuz easier to program randdmizet loot at fixed location boxes rather than programing randomized loot at random location…


That’s already over 2/3 of being right, wish the store had those odds on good items.

Because they wanted people to experience shitty rng loot boxes in between smashing and shooting.

They really shouldn’t spawn empty.

Its for the gamblers high, if you always win less dopamine is produced when you win big.

Empty Boxes shouldn’t spawn then.

Empty chests exist in V2 and I really dont hear any complaints about that design decision. Following that logic, Darktide has crates that can have items inside them, but there are many more pickups per mission, so we increase the box quantity.

Would i like a small bundle of plasteel guarenteed or a small ammo tin more likely? Sure. This just feels like a non issue tbh.


vt2 doesnt have close to as many as darktide

Yes, and Darktide has roughly 5-6x, if not more, the amount of pickups than V2.

More possible pickups leads to more predetermined loot spawn locations to accomodate. I think its great we have plenty of locations to find ammo for the characters that use ammo aplenty. Like I said, I’d love a guarentee drop of just some plasteel or something, but complaining about empty storage boxes in your linear mission design seems weird.

No storage boxes are that far away from the main path at any given time, a quick check and a jog back to the party seems like an okay risk-reward.

We’re also in industrialized hive city and not out in the wilderness, storage crates make more sense to exist in this environment.


i figured it used the same system as vt2 and it was all determined when the level loads the box.

This is not important for the player.
What is important, but I failed to mention in that post is that there was another intern there who suggested that whenever there’s supposed to be an empty slot in the box, they could just put a small plasteel pack there, instead. This small change, he claimed, would fix 3 issues with one stroke:

  • Less RNG
  • Less annoyance of running across the room just to see an empty box
  • More plasteel, which should, at least, soften the issues with crafting and general lack of plasteel

This intern was fired immediately for making too much sense, and escorted out of the building by the FS department of silly walks.


What they don’t tell you is that they take them out back and talk to them about the rabbits and how they get to tend them.

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the yellow boxes are for imperial fists to hide in.

BUt seriously every box being full and none empty would be werid.


i also note its werid all the boxes are closed…

That would also introduce the problem of all boxes now being mandatory stops. Right now you can skip it and gamble that it had nothing in it. But now that you know every chest is guaranteed to be packed to the gills anytime you skip one you KNOW that you missed out especially on the coveted plasteel.

I don’t like how that would just turn the game even more into a loot-farming simulator and less about the combat.
Frankly I hope they get rid of the crafting material drops altogether and figure out another way to earn them more akin to VT2. Having to hunt for them really detracts from the core game.

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