White run

In Vermintide 1, when someone trying to find an hardcore challenge more than cataclysm, they were equip all white weapons without trinkets. Now in Vermintide 2 is more complicate because, yes you can equip white wapons, but talents are mandatory and we cannot clear them. Also on level 30 we have stationary 300 hero power, and the only way we have to manage it is with weapons and trinkets, and most of them are to 300 hero power each, so manage hero power with them is not that simple. I dont now, how it be if we can have possibility to remove talents and manage manually the hero power (down only) to increase difficulty in the way we like it?

You can equip your gray crafting blanks instead of white weapons; those are only 5 hero power IIRC. But yeah, it would be nice to de-select talents, either for extra challenge or just to test things and see how much of a difference they make.


Yeah i know that, but is not simple at all. If i want all weapons with no talents i need theme all white. Crafting white weapon is very difficult, and set only 5 hero power weapons make impossible to manipulate hero power. It would be more simple if you can disable talents both on pg’s and weapons and manually decrease the hero power.

I’m confused what you are gunning for: are you trying to go for the absolute minimum power level? If so, 5 blacksmiths items have no traits, no properties, and all have 5 power, thus setting your character to 305 power level.

If you are trying to fine-tune your power level to be around 400, I’d recommend running recruit a few times and opening those boxes; you should get a bunch of white/green/blue items that camp around 100 power. This will also allow you to equip a few power 100 items to get yourself anywhere from 305 to 400. Then start adding in higher tier gear to get anywhere between 400 and 600.

If you are trying to fetch white power-300 weapons, crafting will be faster than doing runs for them, but you can also just commit to veteran runs until you get the white items you are looking for.

Is it possible to achieve what you’re looking for on modded realm? This feels like a really niche ask & not something that I would really expect Fatshark to devote even 10 minutes of dev time to.

Absolute minimum power is not my goal. What i ment is to manage hero power to set in the way i like it. For exaple 550 or 500,450 etc… the only way we have to get it is, like you said, to find white weapons on 100, 200 or 300 hero power. For the first we need to play on easy and we have to find them (is not automatic), for the seconds on veteran and for the third only craft them (and is not that simple crafting only white weapon). I know is possible to manage power in that way, i never said that’s impossible, i said it’s complicate. Spend days for make a white build…uhm i find it very…strange

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If someone make it possible with mod, well it would be nice. But actually there is no mods like that…and i have no idea how to create one (and i think i would never learn it)

Veteran hasn’t been capped at 200 for like a year now. So your options are either 5, 100, or 300 hero power.

Ops, i’m playing in Legend like a year, so i nevere figure that XD.
That’s make even more difficult manage hero power, just like i said on 1st post

Deed: Back to basics

You should check it out. :wink:

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Where? sound interesting

Yeah, I only knew because I’m one of those people who reads the patch notes when I need a break at work. :slight_smile:

You could try this mod, though I don’t know if it lets you change hero power; I’ve not tried it.

mmmh i will try it. But for talents? There are something?

Like @mahkra is mentioning, there’s almost certainly a mod for it! The modded realm is likely your best bet for fine-tuning where you want your difficulty to be, but @Silvah is correct that the deed Back to Basics is sorta one of the pinnacles of “Challenge”. You play a fresh character into whatever difficulty the deed is for. Swinging about 400 times at a CW on Legend is a good time if that’s your thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Back to Basics

Hero Power limited to starting value. Removes all talents, properties and traits from the player.

That’s pretty much what you’re looking for.

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I haven’t done one in a couple months, so I don’t know if it’s been changed in the last few patches, but ever singe release, the description of B2B has been wrong. It did in fact reduce your power and remove property + trait effects, but it did NOT ever remove talents.

So assuming nothing’s changed, then B2B deeds are still not going to be everything that OP’s looking for.

It does remove talents now, it was patched. But I think a few ones might still work.

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Well thank you all for the replies. Didn’t know the esistence off all this.:+1:

You can get plenty of power combinations using 100, 5 and 300 power items. Remember yout total power is an average, and you are carrying 5 different items, each affecting the total number equally.


it works only for host but rest have their talents