Where do you wipe? Your top 4, or 5, hardest spots on maps

I’m curious where you all feel are the toughest spots on maps. Feel free to cut and paste the list below and add a note where you think the hard spots are.

Chasm Terminus:

  • Hab Dreyko
  • Chasm Station HL-16-11
  • Chasm Logistratum
  • Ascension Riser 31

The Torrent:

  • Vigil Station Oblivium
  • Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707
  • Silo Cluster 18-66A

Metalfab 36:

  • Consignment Yard
  • Smelter Complex HL17-36
  • Power Matrix HL-17-36

The Hourglass:

  • Excise Vault Spireside-13
  • Refinery Delta
  • Relay Station TRS-150


  • Enclavum Baross
  • Comms-Plex 154/2f
  • Archivum Sycorax

The Carnival:

  • Mercantile HL-70-04
  • Warren 6-19

Clandestium Gloriana:

  • Inter-Zone Void Sector Omega-12

If you need to jog your memory on maps:


Here’s mine:

Chasm Terminus:

  • Hab Dreyko - The end event at the plague tree - pretty tough now after the revamp
  • Chasm Station HL-16-11 - The broken down railway area towards the end, before you get the control room area. Two narrowish corrididors, boss often spawns, team can drop at multiple points and separated, not much space to move.

The Torrent:

Metalfab 36:

  • Power Matrix HL-17-36 - Midway through the mission when drop into a lower basement / utility area - bunch of chainlink fencing, smallish rooms, eventually work up to catwalk where a boss often spawns.

The Hourglass:


  • Comms-Plex 154/2f - Mid-mission hacking event. It’s not too bad but if your team gets split and separated by the gunner waves that spawn, it can be pretty rough.

The Carnival:

Inter-Zone Void Sector Omega-12:

  • Clandestium Gloriana - First event/objective area in the large flat-ish room near the start of the map. Gunners can have a field day with your team and it’s easy to get separated.

For maps there’s really just 3 that give me issues depending.

  • Hab Dreyko
    • The decryption thing at the end. It takes so much time you can’t solo it even with stealth, shields etc. so the outcome depends entirely on the team. (not complaining, I think that’s a good thing)
    • The map in general is is extremely melee & close range focused, making it an aggravating & risky pick for ranged builds. Especially ranged builds that don’t have a lot of cleave.
  • Void Sector
    • Has a ton of open areas with 360 spawns, so builds without a ton of toughness regen and/or anti-ranged defenses can sometimes struggle
  • The new train mission
    • As above, some builds can struggle there

But the overwhelming real cause for my “wipes” isn’t the map. It’s the bugged cheating soundless specialists. After a year of waiting on fixes for them, I finally completely ran out of patience 3-4 weeks ago. Ever since then, I’ve just instantly left the game the moment a soundless anything hit me.

That my weekly progress has since dropped to a fraction of what it was before acts as a testament to how often the AI cheats like that. That said, I also play less and less now bc that garbage just really takes the enjoyment out. I can say with certainty that if Darktide was like this when I started, I’d never have stayed and actually invested in it.


That great big plaza of doom prior to a lift, following an urban section. There’s a boss spawn there, but that’s not the danger. The danger is the truckload of gunners hanging out riiiiight where they can see you peeking over the edge past the stairs…

Definitely had a few matches go sideways there!

My 3 most difficult

  • Silo Cluster 18-66A

=> only the beginning

  • Inter-Zone Void Sector Omega-12

=> first event

  • Power Matrix HL-17-36

=> middle part of the mission. 90% of the failures happen here… and still people continue to rush to the death on this mission.

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I think we’re thinking of the same area. Is this the place there there are two different routes down (each a big metal staircase) into a basement area with chain link fencing, machines, and various side rooms. Way in the back right corner is a small control room with a Medicae-station?

If so - that’s my #1 area. It seems impossible to keep the team together, line of sight is constrained so it’s hard to provide fire support when you get separated, and the AI director throws tons of crap your way. If you do make it through the basement and back up to the catwalk, there a good chance a boss spawns along a billion other things that can push you all the way back down to the basement. It’s insane everytime.

Any spot where 2 trappers are spawned next to one another during a huge active wave of enemies. :grimacing:

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Big Plattform of Magistrati Oubliette before you go up to the elevator. Lots of Gunner spawns from many sides with a wide open area. Throw in a boss spawn on top.



Yes :). The worst.

This is one of those areas that’s often ok if you’re fast…but soon as you dawdle, things escalate real quick!

The big area with the overloading canisters objective in Gloriana is pretty much my most disliked part of any map. It’s just stupid without any cover. Enemies shoot through that large centerpiece platform which makes it even more unfun than it was already.

I wish I could name the other areas of various maps that I don’t look forward to, but even after 1000 hours I still can’t remember names of maps or remember which map is which. Dyslexia to blame I’m sure but many of the maps do blend into one another.

The torrent map with the big descending staircase near the begining has loads of horrific areas that get messy really fast, all throughout the map.

All depends where the AI director decides to unload a servers worth of enemies all at once.

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This is one of this area that when the team tries to rush, it ends with a wipe. 100% of the failures, it was that.

think i played with you once, and also end event there were problems, not only beginning xD
you said like it’s been a while you didn’t play, so understandable. luckily i was there and managed to res everyone xd

I think the issue is that many teams split up there.

Huh, I think many of us find it easier after the rework as it requires less teamwork overall.


Clandestine Gloriana, it takes one idiot exploding a barrel flinging 2 or more people off the ledge to wreck the entire run.

Magistrati Oubliette, I don’t know what it is, so many people derp really hard on this map.

Smelter Complex, for some reason that last section… some people cannot wrap their head around it.


Really? I’ve found it way harder. You need your team to actually cover whoever is doing the mini game at the tree. And that’s an horribly exposed position. You could kite around much easier before and do a quick scan I feel.

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I think the place where enemies spawn tends to be the worst mhm.

It keeps the attention of people who have none focused around the center tree, they will accidentally help more often than not whereas previously they were…somewhere else.

Related Rant: I still don’t understand why it’s such a Herculean task to get people to PTFO.


Magistrati oubliette - the platform right after the sewer tunnels. People tend to panicking there when game goes nuts with spawns (plus daemonhost is there often) and don’t understand it’s easier to push forward towards event to stop spawns, they are backtracking and loose hp fighting waves or ended up flying away from that platform or triggering DH. And when they push they do it too recklessly so bursters blow them out from the platform on the stairs part after medicae station.

Chasm logistratum - metro tunnels on monstrous specials can be tricky, same reason kinda - bosses forcing to backtrack, but this time there is not so much place to kite, add here specials incoming from both sides of the tunnels, some snipers sitting behind the grey boxes far away you can’t see asking for pixelhunting.

Silo cluster - first stairs part, people either don’t clear a bit before pushing, or pushing solo too far, or too scared of pushing.

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