Same Havoc maps over and over?

Why is it the same 7 maps all the time?
Warren 6-19
Refinery Delta-17
Dark Communion
Vigil Station
Smelter Complex
Archivum Sycorax

I miss all the others. What’s worse is none of those are among my favorites.

I particularly miss these:
Consignment Yard

Power Matrix

Silo Cluster

Chasm Station

Magistrati Oubliette

I was bored.


My group was just discussing that. I wish that they would have thrown in the assassination missions /=

Edit: maybe they have, but in all of our games, we’ve never run into them.


Someone misses Silo Cluster?? :o


I love silo cluster.
Whats weird is Chasm Terminus was in the pre-release early access build i played for H40. I mean its literally in a video Jsat published. Where did it go?

I can only hope we get more H40 maps after FS’s vacation.


Who doesn’t love the beginning where you come down the stairs and is instantly assaulted by multiple bosses while fighting a literal wall of gunners, snipers, shooters, and horde all at the same time?

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having all maps on havoc would be great.
also vault map still missing even in the normal board?

i wish that the maps had some different lighting/assets when in havoc mode, to give at least a sense of variation. just like vt2 weaves did with the amazing change lighting effects and various assets added.

for example the red lighting on orthus offensive in some sections was great.


Also Excise Vault still isn’t in the normal mission board after they removed it…

It sucks because it was one of the best maps (for difficulty) in the game, without being as insane as logi is. Hopefully its brought back asap after the winter break.



I do like that the insanity is front-loaded. If you’re gonna wipe it usually happens quickly. Compare to the “reverse” of Silo, Vigil Station, where the obnoxious stuff around the elevator is near the end, so when you wipe, it’s after wasting a good 20 minutes getting there.

Gloriana is nice for this too. That catwalk section would be 1000x more annoying if it was at the end of the mission.

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I really like Excise Vault. Imo it’s the most interesting of the 3 sand maps – the series of big open-ish rooms you pass thru after the mid event are reliably interesting. It’s visually interesting too – the servitor colony area is super cool. It also doesn’t have the notoriously buggy vertical shanty town stuff that the other two sand maps have.

It’s also maybe the longest map in the game. Think almost every mission I’ve done on there takes 45+ minutes.


consignment yard is a joke map, with two non functional events lmao

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Final objective is the bane of PuGs


It’s the most hilarious thing, the staircase of doom. They could technically make a whole level around this concept of a short but strong assault and call it Blitzkrieg mission.


imagine missing silo cluster lol


Maybe they thought the final fight needed to be punched up for havocs? I guess it’s a little anticlimactic to finally reach the traitor captain when you’ve already fought a bunch of random traitor captains en route

likewise, but as havoc is right now with randoms, imagine the “usuals” keeping coherence at delivering the batteries, much less seeking the correct silos and not go the headless chicken flight :sweat_smile:

now imagine that under havoc 40 conditions.

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I kept getting Vigil station oblivium like 10 times and I now hate it, awesome system :smiley:

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see, it makes you appreciate other maps you might have disliked as well more and concentrate it on one :joy: x more “good” ones all of a sudden


To be fair, vigil station is very hateable even the first time you get it!

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Some forms of suffering are a pleasure!

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but yes, silo cluster is missing from the ‘‘end game’’ thingy and it should be in it head first