Where do you wipe? Your top 4, or 5, hardest spots on maps

It’s one of the easier finales, but there’s always one or two asshats that will go in the exact opposite of where the pings are.

Worst finale for me is Hab Dreyko.

I wish the maps had more memorable names like the previous games. Into the nest, wizards tower, horn of magnus-chan, easy to remember.


it greatly depends on the team. sometimes everyone does the right thing, and it’s a seemingly effortless ride, and sometimes it’s a clown show:

  • lowering the bridge on the way to enclavum baross
  • sticking the 3 batteries onto the pole in the sandy crater with the big fan on refinery delta
  • getting the train out of the way on ascension riser

you have to move 2-3 batteries. the horde is in the way, but is not the objective. i don’t get why some people stay there and defend the batteries like the nurglies are trying to steal them.

same for splitting up as soon as the team reaches a large room:

  • the platform with the medicae on magistrati oubliette
  • the big room with the chandeliers in archivum sycorax

it boggles the mind at times. the game offers more than 1 route and people react like lab mice.

that splitting up has to be one of the worst habits so many people have in this game, and what for? we don’t have to scrape the barrel for every bit of plasteel any more. seriously, so many times you see the end screen of a wipe, with players being 20 m or so apart from each other. i can shoot a trapper at that distance, but i can’t pull off the net.

hard spots:

  • the way from the scaffolding over the rails to the final medicae, and then the finale itself on chasm logistratum, because you have to move those batteries under fire from all sides.

  • the start of silo cluster, getting down and past the bridge. in my experience, aggressive play has the best results, before the game can spawn tons of stuff. one can throw pogryns and spawns off the bridge there.

  • gloriana: the way down from the start if you take the outer route where you can fly off at any moment, and the large control room that follows. ends badly with a team that doesn’t play the objective but gets bogged down fighting between the controls.

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Relay Fan+batteries might be the worst of all the spots, maybe tied with Gloriana generator for pugging it. It’s just fine with a little bit of teamwork but for some reason,some people think everyone scattering like a fart in the wind is the way to go.
Makes me wanna go play Hello Kitty: Island Adventures sometimes.

Now that you mention it, it’s usually the sections right after this, right before the med station where I see stuff fall apart.
It’s a boss spawn point and I guess many times the team is winded/split up from the chandelier room and things go sideways because people get sandwiched between elites/boss and rear spawning specials. It goes much smoother if people move a bit quicker here and pop those stimms (yeah, I know) when the bosses show.

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The boss at the end, his refactor field push if someone gets pushed off to be hanging off the train it’s like 70% chance of failure depending on if a disabler pins the person trying to rescue them or the boss goes for them
Losing half your dps for the fight is pretty much over considering how tight the timing is.

Unless you instant kill him by pushing him off the train.

theres no hard map, only heavy teammates


I find the chasm logistratum tunnel fight towards the end of the mission to be pretty challenging, it’s one of my favorite fights in the entire game


Them barrels though…

In my opinion, except the monstrosity that comes in the first part of this mission (and then corridors are the best option), I consider that if you die by barrels it is cause you made a big mistake, and then you deserve dying and even if a teammate killed you.
And the beginning was for silo cluster that is deadly at the beginning.

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Gloriana start recently. For some reason on low fing intensity we had a monster+horde+12 specials thrown at us. Game director really chose violence that day.


I would say that you have a lot of chances to get a monstrosity in the first part of this map.
At first, I have think that it was the worst place to put a monstrosity spawn. But the fights in the corridor, with a chaos spawn, is incredible. So, I must say that I like these monsters that spawn in this part (especially chaos spawn).
Also, better this than the spawn in a risky space close to the end of the mission. Here you fail, you have not lost a lot of time.

that one used to be one of mine, both with pubs and with friends. Until we figured out that going through the right side and then straight into the medicae room makes it way easier/safer. That alone almost entirely removed my wipes here

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I think new Hab Dreyko is fine. The old one was a nightmare. But now doing the hacking instead of scanning during the insanity is much better.

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I’m going to disagree. You could do scanning yourself, but hacking requires a teammate with at least one brain cell firing every now and then to push away the mobs.

Often it goes like this (not my video):

At to add insult to the injury, it also has by far the hardest post-finale in the game, where runs actually fail when going to the evac.

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