I just found this too funny not to share.
Oi! Nurgle was one of the handsome bois to help me get the video for the falltrap bug in Enchanters Lair!
(Chill I meant the player using the nickname)
Was he playing bh?
Ranger vet in this lobby.
Hmm, well Steam Names are not unique and the cult of Nurgle is rising because of FatShark’s advertisements…
Edit: Just posting the above word was denied by the forum because it wasn’t a full scentence, all caps, and it didn’t recognise it as English, lol.
That error is just because it was all caps
Or, perhaps, the forum is trying to prevent you from pointing out such things…
I never knew that Raphael was devout like myself. They’ve even since changed his name to try and make him appear more normal, but we know, FatShark… we know.
The book got tired of waiting for the Dwarves to figure out how to bash the old plaguebrewer so it decided go do so itself