What's your favourite weapon, and why?

My personal favorite weapon is cement and bricks.

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… and gold

Personally, I like Seinna’s Conflag staff because of how the animation looks like. However, I never get to use it because it sucks.

How do you build a wall with a flamestaff? how do you keep the cough mexicans cough I mean rats and chaos out without the wall?

Well, we build the fall first, then we use the flame staff against rats that manage to climb over the wall. It is a supplement, not a replacement.

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Ohh I see, maybe I should hire you to do the dirty work then :wink:

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Might as well weigh in. I’ll go class by class and separate ranged and melee favorites.

Melee: The Rapier
It’s elegant, powerful, versatile and beautiful. My favorite melee weapon in the game, period. The sound, the animations, the feeling to it, the way Saltz’s hands tremble on charged attack - all of it is on point. When you learn all the tricks to it, it feels like an extension of yourself. Fighting with the Rapier is not a brawl or a slaughter, it’s a dance. It is elegant and precise, yet devastating. If only the pistol that’s paired with it was worth the effort of using.

Ranged: Brace of Pistols
Sadly, for nostalgia/fashiontide reasons. Gameplay-wise, I realize very well in what horrible state they are in.

Melee: Mace
I love how you can feel the impetus of your swings and the weight of it. The fact that is sets enemies on fire from charged attacks only makes it even better. A big change for me since VT1 times when I would have picked the sword.

Ranged: Fireball Staff
Another change from VT1 times. At first I considered the fireball staff to be a clunky, unintuitive gimmick made for frequent FF, but after trying it out fell absolutely in love. It has amazing damage and great control capabilities with low-ish overheat costs. Learning to lob the projectiles correctly is a lot of fun and makes you feel like a badass when you manage to avoid the FF.

Melee: Executioner’s Sword
On the other hand, this has not changed from VT1’s times. The Halberd was a close runner-up, but, ultimately, the Executioner’s Sword feels much more visceral and satisfying to use.

Ranged: The Longbow
I both prefer this one thanks to how good it is and how questionable the alternatives are. This is certainly a unique weapon and feels very fun to use.

Melee: Wardancer Blade
I started out by hating this weapon. For the longest time I could’t understand what the appeal was. After my nth run I finally got the hang of things and now prefer this weapon to any other, Spear included. It’s elegant, powerful, has good horde clear and elite murder capabilities, and it just looks great.

Ranged: The Longbow
Really not much to say here. I just like it as much as I dislike the alternatives, the reapeater excluded.

Melee: Two-Handed Hammer
Full disclosure, I’m not a great Bardin player and the 2H Hammer is the only weapon I feel confident with on Legend, so I just stick to using it. It remains my favorite from the VT1 times. Great crowd control and armor damage: what’s not to like? (the answer is the push-stab, it’s very questionable)

Ranged: Grudge-Raker
The reason I adore Ranger Veteran. The Grudge-Raker doesn’t need my love to be expressed: it sells itself. Horde clear? Check. Elite killer? Check. Special killer? Check. It also sounds and looks like a dream.


This is fuc*king epic!

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That was a Cousin Okri move right there


I pretty much agree with this list. Nicely formatted, too. Give Bardin’s 2-handed axe a swing though, if you like the wardancer and executioner’s that one’s probably a good fit for you.

I did try it, but I can’t get the aiming down. I constantly miss and the horde control feels considerably worse.

how on earth did this thread become somewhat political lol

nice list. i was also pleasantly surprised by how the fireball staff works, after hating it at the start. great cc and burst dps. however i peg sienna as a boss killer tho, hard to put the beam staff away to have fun with the fireball staff…

as for the elf, i really tried to like the wardancer, but i end up always block-pushing because the recovery from attack-block-attack is too slow. sad

the 2h hammer is like the bestest feeling in the world when sweeping hordes… the clunk clunk clunk sound it makes and the enemies going flying is another feeling totally!

I think the Rapier is the perfect melee weapon. So fast you can decimate groups so long as your movement is tight, plus you get infinite blocks against light attacks. Charge up the power hit and it’s a pinpoint accurate stab into the head of any boss/elite/armoured.

Repeater Pistol is my favourite ranged weapon (can you tell I main a Bounty Hunter?). The Blessed shots, plus a talent makes the 8 shot vollery cost no ammo. This can one shot armoureds, chaos warriors, monks and those 2 handed axe nutjobs. On top of that is fires as fast as you can click the mouse so if you need to kill a special quickly, it’s aces.

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