If there would be a DLC coming for Darktide, what would you like to see in it?
I would like to see atleast 1 or 2 new operatives. What new characters would you like to see?
Also new maps should be high on the priority list in my opinion and maybe new kind of “puzzles” to solve. I really like the map design of Vermintide 2, there’s a lot of different things you have to do. Also the big boss fights are way better than in DT.
Few new weapons would be amazing as well and most likely the easiest thing to add.
I don’t think that there is a huge need for new enemies in the old maps. But maybe in the new maps there could be a totally different set of enemies? I think Tyranids would be the most obvious choice, they work really well for the horde mentality of the game. Or maybe Orks?
Another way of making things more interesting, would be a to have 2 or 3 different versions of a mission. One with the normal enemies, one with Tyranids and one with Orks. It would be the same map but with different objectives during the mission. It would be 100% Darktide that you wouldn’t know which version it is until you start the mission. Tyranid maps could have some slime and other things in the walls and floor and maybe darker lights. And Ork maps could have some Ork paintings and such.
Basically nothing, as the Prem cosmetics are meant to be the monetization source.
But can’t, and has already been promised as being kept free (same for mode and enemies)
That’s basically asking to have a 2nd game, it’s much better to have new factions that can share, both for client side size, and for engine limitation.
Tbh, having said what I did at 1st, the only thing I would begrudgingly accept as Dlc are archetype, which should still be free in the optic to sell cosmetic for it (Admech being a golden goose), and new branches for the current archetypes
And putting content behind monetization doesn’t magically faster to produce
Obviously a bunch of new missions with music
A new class, like mech soldier
Some new enemies, ideally a third faction
However they can populate only the new maps if they’re unique to the mission pack.
A few weapons and on the cosmetic side, a unique set of drip and some sane looking faces and hair/beard options
1 archetype. Something clearly at middle of a zealot and a veteran.
When I play the zealot, I often want to play more with ranged. When I play the veteran, I often want to play more as melee.
At the end, both don’t fit my personal need to see a class that is not specialized at all.
Like they promised there would be a solo game mode?
This was just to say that they can change their mind…
And that I am still waiting for a solo game mode.
I would add that I would be happy with a free dlc… as I would not mind to pay for a DLC. But darktide is my main game, so I can afford that.
Not sure it would be smart to make it a paying dlc.
Well missions/maps aren’t sellable unless they change how the mission selection work. As you otherwise could end up with at some point a mission offering that doesn’t have any that you have (if many are sold)
As for weapons, I dunno how they could make it work with Brunt and stuff.
the mission board should let one enter only the owned maps. clicking on a mission pack map prompts to buy the pack.
just make sure that there are also maps from the standard version in rotation, so players without the mission pack aren’t locked out of anything playable.
I for one would like to see a campaign (solo or not - don’t care) with at least some story progress on Atoma.
I’m not pressing for Exterminatus or full liberation but I would like to see the story going somewhere.
I can settle for “Canon” sequence of missions undertaken by our Rejects/Acolytes:
Which one was first? Which one was last?
When did the attempt at Karnak Twin mission took place?
How is Havoc located in all of those things?
Which threat level is “Canon” and/or when?
Would be awesome if we could level up new reject from 0 to Atoma Hero in proper order.
For something that would be more interesting to normal people:
Couple of new weapons: plasma pistol, power fist, bigger warp arsenal for psyker and of course maps and mission types. Also Red Weapons and Melk-rework.
Thus either needing to increase the number of missions offered or halving the number of missions you can pick, in some case stopping you from being able to access Maelstorm for example if it’s a paid mission.
I swear if Be’lakor isn’t involved in some way or other and isn’t pulling strings to have cults of the 4 Chaos gods involved into this fight I will see this as a wasted opportunity.
I would like to see more operations or something like it that are more story orientated, a proper campaign if you will. One of Darktide’s biggest strengths is how it makes you feel so immersed in the environment and setting. The lightning, gore, maps, music and voice acting are all Chefs Kiss imo. Almost perfect.
Space Marines 2 had a good story but it left me wanting to play darktide while also learning more about 40k and the stories there. Imaging a story with quality like Titanfall2 but in Darktide, that would be the best thing I could imagine from a DLC.
No paid DLC. Fatshark chose MTX to make money, in their paid game, which is already thin enough ice in my book. If they started locking gameplay stuff behind paywalls I would be pissed.
As others have said. To avoid splitting the player base and to avoid it feeling like micro transactions they should just do class DLCs. And everything included with that. Weapons voices, cosmetics, etc.