What weapon would you take if:

You had to survive a mission with only a ranged weapon? I’d love this as an extra challenge condition.

Of course that would mean the weapon would have to be either very good in melee range or have melee attachment.

So what would you pick? Mine are:

Ogryn: Rumbler, can literally do anything, horde? No problem. Single entities? No problem. A few stragglers smacking your ass? Brain them with the special melee.

Zealot: Flamethrower. It has a lengthy reload bit of you can manage the ammo and stagger enemies with the light attack fart, you can probably manage it.

Veteran: Well that’s a tricky one. I guess the Lucius MK2, fast fire rate and your have the bayonet to poke some when they inevitably close the distance.
Or the Autopistol, great firerate and almost instant reload+ great mobility. Could work

Psyker? Hmm, idk.

Voidstrike because I routinely go like 99% staff use anyway. Challenge?

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The other classes?

Bolter for Vet or Zealot. Braced autoguns come a close second.
Voidstrike for Psyker.

I regularly go through 90% of runs using ranged-only on vet and psyker and the only reason I don’t do it on zealot is because why play zealot over vet if you want to play ranged?

The only one where there’s real options is Ogryn, but it’s more a case of “which weapon won’t get me killed quickly” than “which weapon is best for finishing the map”.

These are for Heresy+ btw, literally everything works in Malice and below.


Hmm idk man, reloading constantly on a Bolter will probably get you schmacked if there’s a horde going and specials come in at the same time.

Stack reload speed. That’s what I do.

As for the horde + specials, just put the horde between you and the specials and shoot the specials through the horde. Target penetration with bolter fire is busted.

It’s the same reason that Voidstrike is the best staff. You can clear out entire columns of enemies at once and hard stagger anything that doesn’t immediately die.

Also, if constantly reloading is an issue when you’re using the bolter, I’d recommend using ADS more. Auto fire is a noob trap.

Bolter’s melee attack doesn’t do much damage, but it’s fast and can hit multiple targets.

On vet you can negate the reload weakness and give a little ranged damage boost.

On zealot you can massively buff ranged damage with your ult while filling up your shield and moving to a better position.

Ive already done this for fun on my vet with the agripina mk 8 braced autogun with all the reload speed feats and perks and running around picking up as much ammo as i can. I was beating enemies with the butt of my gun at the end as i was running to extraction.