What the actual kark is up with shotgunners

I’m not saying they’re too hard, too tanky or deal too much damage but god DAMN can they not pushback me 10 metres if they shoot my pinky poking out of cover? I legitimately got stuck in a loop of being pushed back from shotgunners for 10 seconds straight last match.

Maybe I’m a shitter casual with my 1,7k hours but i think they could do with a little bit of tuning regarding that pushback (maybe lower pushback when you have toughess on, normal w/o toughness?) After ragers ware made dodgeable shotgunner packs are my #1 most annoying enemy in the game. (Close behind gunner packs and only because gunner packs were always annoying.)


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First thought is I want your toughness build! Ten seconds of shotgunner fire and you survived! Impressive :stuck_out_tongue:

Also: chain stagger is really annoying I agree, but it’s rare, and generally because you’re out in the open and exposed.

Also, PS: there is no cover system that I can detect in DT. If they can see any of you, they can see all of you.

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You have to time your slide with their shot :wink: but yeah their pushback is perhaps a little too much I agree.

Personally I’d like bulwarks and their 5m, 360 degree, invisible shield to be fixed first. It’s ridiculous. So many exposed fleshy bits that make the donk sound of metal when hit and stagger you backwards and leave you vulnerable. Invisible forcefield is naff. Their entire exposed sides have an invisible metal wall. They are also bizarrely immune to stagger on the pickaxe pull special attack…which makes fighting them really laborious and tedious.

It’s why I named that last corner of Ascension Riser out of the train tunnels ‘Shotgun Corner’ with how often shotgunners spawn there and blast people over the edge. OSHA has told them to put railings there now to stop the falls, but a firing squad of shotgunners around that corner can still hurt.

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Playtime does not equal skill.

Idk man, compared to their pre-nerf version they’re already much easier to handle.
Unless you decide to eat 3-4 shells in succession or playing Ogryn they really doesn’t seem to be that much of a threat anymore.

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i was spamming zealot charge and was constantly toughness gating their shots from that, melee chaff kills and coherency.

so much about sci-fi writers / devs having no sense of scale or physics.
the old trope about people hit by guns flying backwards. recoil applies equally to the shooter.
having my ogryn being pushed back so much would send those scrawny dudes flying.

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Yeah sure nerf the pushback but probably buff other aspects. I miss my early DT Zealot games where groups of shotgunners made me clench up until they were cleared.

At very least within their ideal range they should be really threatening (and before someone tunes in about spawn spam if they were more threatening the game wouldn’t need to spam as many enemies so win win in my book).

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There is the ‘realism Vs fun’ factor to always consider though.

Realism isn’t always fun and fun is always paramount.

That’s true… like gunners that need to be 15 to be a threat.
However I feel that the Op points the pushback that forbids you to react to them.
On this I agree it is too much.

And I agree also with you. Elites / specials should, again, be a threat. And not by making the game spawn them by 35. This is ridiculous the number of elite / specials, and even in a regular damnation.
And in an auric,… that’s a big lol.

Yesterday in a regular damnation I have killed 15 gunners (true number, not exagerated, I even think it was 17) in less than 3 minutes with my axe. I have also seen packs of 8 shotgunners in the first event of Mercantile map. They seem to spawn like mushrooms in this room.

They should buff all these enemies (consequence of the repeated increase of power for players) to make them a threat even alone.
Buffing doesn’t mean just increasing damages… this can be also HP, time to shoot you, stagger, suppression etc.
I believe that, for shotgunners their damages should be increased. But the push back needs to be reduced.
For gunners, they need too much time to aim a player and begin to use their weapon (at least, with my zealot they never have time to fire).

The pushback is one of the only things that makes them somewhat threatening. They’re so pathetic right now, they need buffed.

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Not sure about your post.

You want them keeping the push back and be buffed, or, like I suggested, that they are buffed to be a serious threat but push back reduced?


there, fixed it for you pal :+1:

mama said ogryn strong, not puny.
punies get pushed back as ogryn… ogryn confused cause mama don´t lie.

while i enjoy the current diving into enemies as ogryn
a swimming pool surrounded by rocks and trees on a sunny day
i agree they could be changed to a more meaning-/impactful way instead of going the dime a dozen way

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My dyslexia coming into full swing here as it looks identical to what I wrote :laughing: or it’s gone over my head. Apologies if so.

you no dis-lex… grut it, you not saw OGRYN, you need glasses pal :rofl:

ogryn always paramount, cause ogryn the biggest… got it ? :laughing:

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Ah! Sorry big guy :joy:

Sometimes my reading is akin to an Ogryn! Damned tiny words…like ants but weaker!

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ackshually ants are kinda strong given their size :nerd_face:
now say what you want but that´s a proper use for that emoji if i ever seen one :laughing:

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