Short version is just: why are we all here? Its not for PvP nor just any PvE. Its the skill curve and the incredible melee combat. Space marine 2 wont really have either. At best its going to be a fun WWZ style horde shooter co-op game with some simple combos for melee. Nothing too exciting.
If executed well people may well love it. That’d be great, hope it happens. But canceling the beta this close to launch is a bad sign. So at best you get a fun but shallow time waster and maybe some pvp. And at worst something that ships unfinished.
while the rational reason might be a pretty boring one, i like to believe the “suit” in question finally bit off more than he could chew trying to keep coms to a minimum :
Pvp? Personally, i dont care about pvp, in any game. A WWZ style horde shooter? I have just under a thousand hours in that game, i love their horde style. I also have hundreds of hours into Evil Dead (also a Saber game) which SM2 seems to share most of the melee combat with that game. That game’s melee combat was simplistic, definitely NOT on Darktide’s level, but it worked fine. With all that being said, i am still anxiously anticipating SM2. Darktide fans in particular, need to be aware that the horde style combat will play very differently to Darktide’s.
Edit: this is all personal anecdotes, in case it wasnt obvious. You are probably right in that it isnt going to really “specialize” any type of gameplay, not in the way that Darktide does it with their combat system. What it will likely do, is fill the Space Marine power fantasy many of us have. Once that novelty wears off? It will likely lose the majority of its players. This is the course of most online games, though.
leaks seem to be on the positive side, despite being an allegedly 1 year old build.
while 3d person pvp aint my cup, the setting of space marines going ham at each other does have its attraction, seeing only glimpses so far in animated media.
has potential for some serious badassary if you ain´t already fed up with the topic after decades of exposure.
me as a warhammer newbie though…
At the very least, if the launch goes well, hopefully it sets the precedent of really well done 40k games that arent yet another top down strategy game. We have more than enough of those.
@FatsharkStrawHat has fully built up her energy over the last months. She has materialized here and left the immaterium known as the fishtank hideout.
In time it will fade and she will be banished once more to the warp, as it happened to @FatsharkCatfish.
Such is the fate of a warp entity spawned by Fatshark, the Great Slippery One. Always a bit slimy, floating through the sea of Aether. But mostly, shifting in and out of reality.
Alien abductions? Main shot callers were replaced by lizard people? Or could be they are learning from their mistakes or at very least some persuasive people managed to convince them to try a different approach?
I enjoyed the first SM for what it is, but honestly it’s an average 3rd person shooter as soon as you remove 40k from it. My expectations for SM2 are low, and I don’t expect its coop mode as enjoyable or deep as Tide games. There is also a matter of replayability.
Yeah if only they turned that communication into directly fixing issues that have been in the game for over a year now. They can communicate every day, every hour, every week. Doesn’t change the fact their servers are getting worse, ghost hits are getting worse, weapon swaps are getting worse, sound ques are getting worse. What is it about communication that directly fixes the game again? Almost as if they decided to start posting more just to get the community to shut up. Until I see real fixes and changes happening, they get absolutely no benefit of the doubt.
I’m guessing HD2’s success by a studio a few blocks away that put the performance and reception of Fatshark’s product to absolute shame, coupled with every public platform and feedback mechanism screaming about a handful of clear and distinct issues for months and consistently mixed-negative user reviews, finally woke a C-suite from their slumber after missing a financial incentive to allow (and/or force) change.
The reviews and user ratings for Darktide remain stubbornly mixed. While the VT games sport very positive reviews in both cases, and both sported far better review and receptions at this point in their lives nearly 20 months after release, Darktide just kept missing the mark and failing to perform. If Darktide is to remain the studio’s flagship product for a couple years still, that’s going to hamper additional sales, and if incentives are tied to reviews (often the case with game studios) then there’s personal incentives to do something about that too.
TL; DR Someone else a few minutes walk away showed Fatshark how it’s done, and they took some notes.