Petition to Inquire: in re: FatShark Communication

So, there’s a lot of players expressing frustration over the lack of communication and or transparency. There have been letters from Fatshark giving the inclination we would have more communication/dialogue between company and industry.

A lot of players are making some pretty extreme guesses at the intent behind Fatshark and their lack of communication. Since there is virtually none as judged by some of the forum posters here, I think it would wise to be very clear and keep a thread up until there is some method of communication established whether it be ongoing or not. But just some sort of update on the notion of communication itself in an official capacity would be nice.

If any of you have legitimate questions you would like to ask that could help clear the air around communication, not crafting, not levels, not anything like that, just communication. Please post your questions, I will edit this OP to include them. Keep it clean.

My question is this:

  1. Fatshark, what is the situation right now that is preventing communication for player/studio dialogue on a semi-daily if not weekly basis? It seems that we’re getting communication when content is going to drop and this gives the impression that there is no dialogue even if your newsletters are addressing community feedback?

  2. Where are the Community Managers?

  3. What are the possible reasons for the increasing lack of communication?
    Potential Answer: There were reports of death threats levied at some of the FatShark staff.

I have follow-up questions, and if answers are provided I will post them here and leave this thread up as an FAQ.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

No that they will answer such a question, but they did at some point try to discuss more, both here and in VT, the problem happen in 2 ways, they said something that was a promise, or taken as promised, which then didn’t pan out as mentioned before, which then lead to malding by the community, for example in VT2 there is the road map, which then had to be cancelled wholesale, and various things, like Sienna’s Career and Versus, both came much later than expected, and when they mentioned it was still coming, people complained about it.

Then there is also the death threats, that was a thing too

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Ah, so this is a bad apples spoiled the bunch kinda situation?

Well not the full reason, but few apple rotten basket is also a reason, Hedge had a few comments taken out of context (no Crafting, which is still correct, Not CoD), as well as Scepticemia.

Wouldn’t make the current CM (Catfish full time, Quickpaw and Strawhat part time) want to participate in many discussion

Also the matter that atm there is only 1 full time CM, so they are looking for more of them (From what Aqshy said)

Even in the full context the statements weren’t great. And that full context does include the fact that Fatshark said there would be crafting, and then pretended there never was, claimed it didn’t fit the setting, and that it had never been their Design Intent.

Despite the enormous amounts of datamined content, upon which many mods are based, which is evidence of the contrary.

As for Scepticemia she had apparently misunderstood the amounts involved and the full extent of the problem. Even so it would have been a very good idea to actually make sure you had enough information before you started calling people pearl clutchers. In any case what FS actually did was despicable, regardless of what their CMs did or did not say about it.

Instead of blaming their customers, acting like customers are in the wrong… As a contrast a CM on Helldivers 2 just lost their job because of how damn hard they went to bat for their customers. (No doubt Sony put the foot down, rather than Arrowhead itself). The CMs and devs there are always communicating, including saying things that their customers may not like. They are openly communicating and trying to be as transparent as they can.


The Crafting statement in the discord was asking if we would be able to “make our own weapons” like in VT2, which Hedge said that that wouldn’t happen due to lore (which is correct and still correct for the game too), instead they gave Brunt to be able to fully replace that aspect

Hedge never said that attachment weren’t planned at some point, he said in that steam thread that attachment wouldn’t happen, for reason that they’ve not publicized (Most likely the Prem shop, model QA work, and imbalanced impact of the system), then there was a person who would always write “But CoD has attachments, so why can’t Darktide” then came the “This isn’t CoD” line. Which honestly was callous, but was one of the only 3 thing to do, the other being ignoring him, and the last being banning that dude after a few offences.

Foot in the mouth, yes, but overblown and taken out of context.

For Sister I really didn’t follow the controversy

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Ooooh, if every one of us took seriously and feared every such threat on the internet… I don’t know, would we lock ourselves in bunkers and not go outside?

Yeah, there is one question. Where are those dudes, what’s their name? I’ve forgotten their name. Hmm. Ah, the Community Engagement Specialists? Or community managers? Whatever. Where are these guys? The forum is a mess, the comments are a mess, people are complaining, no one is answering them, eww.

What else is there to ask besides the obvious questions about the game? How are they doing, how are their holidays? How’s the weather?

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I mean, when it come with doxxing…

Wow, well, thanks a lot. А How does the Lore stop us from making weapons? Will the Mechanicus rebel and punch us in the face? OK, so put a Mechanicus in charge of making weapons. Not a dummy who sells us guns with a random set of numbers that in most cases are completely unacceptable. Or we have a dude who gives out weekly quests and has his own currency in there. Except that for this currency is sold for the same rubbish and THEN with a random set of numbers, only in this case - the most miserable almost always.


I do not recall doing this.

The paragraph was talking about the short time CM, Sister. Unless you’re her, I wasn’t talking about you.

Ah, I couldn’t be sure as you didn’t have a name you were replying to, or a quote, mb.

Oh I did reply to Heretical, but the forums can be odd that way sometimes.


Out of thousands of death threats… It only takes ONE.

All weapons are made by the Admech on Forge Worlds

No, but they might just decide on not servicing the Rogue Trader’s Fleet

What tell you that the Mechanicus shop wouldn’t have the same random set of numbers, that’s not a lore point, that’s a bad gameplay point.

He is talking about Scepticemia, who called some people that for complaining about something, think it was with Aquila amount or something on the console launch

It was trying using lore (badly) to try to justify and dismiss concerns about missing game features (item creation), which then got backtracked on when Brunt’s Exchange was implemented.

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When I said “Produce”, which means to produce a weapon with characteristics that I wrote on a piece of paper and gave to Mechanicus. I mean, no random numbers.

That was sarcasm. Obviously Mechanicus have influence in many aspects.
And there’s not much stopping us from ordering contraband weapons in secret. We’re not playing for holy toilets here.

Wasn’t backtracked, the comment is still there and still valid, Brunt doesn’t craft lorewise

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And you missed my point. People wanted to create items in the gameplay sense. “Lore” was used to excuse why it wasn’t in the game.

“Lore” has now been used to say we’re not “creating” new weapons in a lore sense, but players are getting “new” items by buying them off the quartermaster where “lore” is saying they’re items Brunt has scrounged up.


Yes, that’s what is happening

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