What new enemies/gear would you like to see in game?

Just bouncing some ideas around with others in the game but sadly we dont get all that much time to chat while on a mission so thought I’d post it here as well to see what more people think. I’m not about to suggest things like plague marines since just one of them would be a game ending serious threat and thats without introducing things like their special units.

Personally I’d like to see Nurglings as an enemy, I mean I’m avid Death Guard player myself but dont we all just love the imp like nature of a nurgling? Imagine nurglings as a low health horde enemy that does little damage individually but deadly in numbers as they’re all doing corruption damage. These would not be all that uncommon given how bad things are on the planet but would still be a rarer encounter than the poxwalkers.

Assassination targets - Sometimes instead the basic enemy sergeant you’ll instead find a pox preacher. We’re dealing with the mortal cultists here so why not throw in a cult leader? I can see this guy operating like a psyker boss (yes I know the old FW pox preachers weren’t psykers but you get the idea). Maybe a plaguebearer which is slow but causes corruption damage by being near it as well as large corruption damage if it hits you? We dont seem to be at the stage where large scale daemon outbreaks are happening but the barriers are definitely getting weaker since we can encounter the beasts of Nurgle and daemonhosts.

A new abomination like the Rot Fly? Yes it’d probably just work like a reskinned beast dropping slime and spitting goop at you but it would add to the variety and give us something new to play with.

This one I’m not so sure about but it has come up so I’ll put it out there: Corrupted weapons, I’m not talking full blown daemon weapons here but rather something like the Dawn of War 2 gear, youll get increased damage stats or weapon perks or something to that effect but the trade off will be constant ticks of corruption damage you’ll take while using it.


more heavy armor enemies are needed:

  1. think of a crusher with a reaper gun
  2. a gunner but wearing heavy armour
  3. a mauler which actually does something

rationale: as a vet with shred autopistol or x12 only heavy armour guys (incl. bulwark) are big problem, others just die fast. having more heavy bois would mean using bolter, plasma or some new type of armour piercing shotgun would be more appropriate choice :wink:

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Speaking of Carapace : I’d love to see rare ambushes by kill team squads of crack Mobian 6th storm troopers wearing carapace and wielding hotshot laz. Maybe reserve this kind of thing for Heresy+.

I’d love to see Bulwarks with a few more weapons to varry the threats. And also bulwarks using the smaller shield who are more aggressive.

Nurglings would be great fun. especially if they could join together into a man sized nurgling bruiser the way they do in Total Warhammer.

Seconded. Also could be fun to have such enemies instead spawn as a specialist similar to blightwizards or leechwizards.

I think these guys, replace the shotgun with a melee weapon, would help stiffen scab assault troopers as a melee threat.


i love the grande/bomberman, he literally is wiping me out, most my downs are by him. i think more enemies like him are needed.

both flamers should play the same role, but they are way too easy to spot and kill, they dont serve any, purpose they should be buffed to really be a problem.

trapper is okish, same witb poxbuster, the ticking is like playing on my nerves. dogs are messed up, could be more hard to kill (like ninjas from half life :)) to give them a more challenge


Dreg Sorcerer Lord

  • Assassination Target
  • Use either Scythe (Fast) or Plague Sword (Slow but corrupting damage)
  • Access to 1 of 2 spells (Or more if possible)
    Special defensive mechanic:
  • Cloud of Flies: Decrease ranged damage
  • Nurglite Bloom: Decrease total incoming damage depening on Nurglite Blooms, which need to be destroyed (Will regrow after a while)


  • Elite, work somewhat like the Mauler or the Crusher, but without armour (Being disgustingly resilient though)
  • Slow
  • Plaguesword (Corrupting damage)

Sloppity Bilepiper:

  • Plaguebearer
  • Slow
  • Corrupting aura
  • Buff allies in range

Herald (Not sure)

  • Assassination Target (Maybe instead of Dreg Sorcerer Lord)

Plague Toads/Pox rider

  • Monster
  • Could have a Plaguebearer on top
  • Can jump and pull with it’s tongue



  • Monster
  • With Flamer or with Autogun for ranged attack
  • Can stomp or use close ranged weapons.

New factions:

Cults of the 3 other Chaos Gods

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That I’d be against, like it would work well for Rpg games, but not really here.


Dreg looter, like a sackrat.

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more pistols!

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Pistol/melee combo, very surprised they didn’t make a couple for release


no! terrible idea. these games were already too easy

Did you try the rapier/pistol in VT2? It’s balanced.


i mean the entire game was way too easy

So no more weapons for the sake of variety because the games too easy for you? Great contribution.



  1. Main, like more common elite enemy type (stormvermin equivalent), my personal wet dream is plaguebearers (could be interesting to have infected type, not flak as elite) to take this role, but can be any.

  2. More enemies with shields, some with destroyable ones (like in V2 again)

  3. Enemy psykers/chaos sorcerers (not blightstorm carousels this time)

  4. Chaos spawn boss


  1. Mostly different kinds of pistols - bolt, plasma and their combinations with melee weapon, cmon, dual wielding range+melee is iconic wh40k loadout

  2. Grenade launcher for a human class

  3. Not rly a weapon, but would be cool if ogryn could grab and toss enemies (like mute does) or grab heads and crush them with bare hands (psyker BB melee analogue), for another ogryn subclass. Why Skullbreaker can’t break skulls, huh?

There were armored ogryn shooters with different guns on concept art


no, I mean keep them separate and possessed of a full range of useful abilities.

Heavy boltor for ogryn
Storm boltor for veteran
Power axe

Death guard marine as an endboss, like at the end of a raid event or something
Nurgling spawns when psykers peril level gets too high for too long


Storm Bolter for Mortals wouldn’t be lore acurate as it would be to heavy to use and would have too much recoil, that is why you only get them mounted as Astra Militarum player.

That’s the only Powerfist we will get from Fatshark


HEAVY BOLTER would be sick on enemies. Especially if the ogryn was wearing more formal looking flak rather than what appears to be more like a dreg reaper right now.

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