More enemy types

after playing nearly +1200 hours, its starting to feel like a regular zombie horde game, I think daemon type enemies for regular units (not bosses) would do the game wonders for challenges, excitement and even more 40k immersive.

horde = Nurglings
elite = Plague Bearers
specialist = Rot Flies (only spawns on open areas or with high ceiling)


DRG has some nice ideas about flying enemies, one type, which name I cannot remember, grabs a player and drops further away.

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The grabber! :grin:

Mactericus majoris grabberino :nerd_face:

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A point on the Rot Fly, if one be concerned about air nav, they could always just make it hover like the daemonhost. Then you wouldn’t need to worry about ceiling height or melee folks not being able to hit it. I think they could have it be a nice foil to the Trapper. Perhaps have it spit sticky gobs that root the player instead of doing a full disable.

It’s not how it plays in other 40k media, but I think darktide can afford some creative liberties considering things like the Burgle. They can always say it’s just a variant of some sort.

If we wanted something more lore accurate, I think it’d also make for a good Raid boss like the Karnak twins. That way it could get its own arena and be able to really spread its wings.

Or split the difference and make it a hovering monstrosity. Maybe have a PB rider and who you kill first changes how the other acts (Killing the Fly first removes the PB’s mobility, but enrages it. Killing the PB stops ranged attacks, but makes the fly faster and more aggressive.)

oopsy, didnt see that thread before, no need to clutter, i´ll just say my piece in here :smile:

i know what to expect in terms of timeframe for new content, but given the recent events i was pondering about how we could get back the hordes and now tentacle gallore with immersive ingame means.

for example i´d love to see a nurgle piper as new mini boss, wading through hordes and converting/upgrading them into tentacle ones.

some boss/add interaction to spice things up.

or have some troop carriers break through a wall instead of a usual boss spawning the moebian 6th corrupted, add some randomness to encounters.

maybe things like that get implemented with the new “havoc” one way or the other, but i´d hate to see good concepts go to waste in a 14-days one-off.

furthermore, we are running through the same(ish) corridors for almost 2 years now, a little evolution in the nurgle corruption is long overdue, no ?

you funny, sah.
ogryn got kickback, i´ll “nav” it right down :muscle:

on a more serious note, people tend to hate the zoanthropes in space marine 2, but for different reasons.
personally i´d love a fast air attack unit to make for some verticality in aim.


I’ve also done some fanart of possible enemy types, if I might share:

The first here is an Ogryn Thumper. Designed as a Bomber-Reaper hybrid that slowly marches towards players. Its grenades have a much, much smaller radius, but cause more damage and a bit of knockback (Not barrel levels, mind you, but enough to jostle). It makes up for this with a higher health pool and faster attack speed than your standard bombers. The bag around its hip could also serve as a special weakpoint, similar to flamer tanks, that emits a staggering shockwave when sufficiently shot at.

The second is a Hive Walker. This poor poxer has been made host of a swarm of biting, demonic insects. Its a variant pox-burster that emits a small, ambulating cloud that afflicts a horrible debuff to those caught in its area of effect. Unlike it’s more explody cousin, the Hive doesn’t detonate unless killed, and acts more like a regular pox walker. It lacks any direct attacks, other than a pitiful kick that doesn’t actually do damage, but being near it for a long period is enough to contract the debuff. It and the swarm within are hard-countered by fire.

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40k version of

me like :smile:

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Now we know what he’s screamin’ about

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dude looked into the warp


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