Versus mode is PC only? WTH?
Isn’t it just for the beta ?
Doubt it since they ignored everyone on their live stream asking about it. Haven’t replied to any post made about it on here or other forums. Really reenforcing they don’t care about console, never have never will. Hopefully it’s still a distant hope that they don’t want to promise yet. Kinda messed up though… same priced game, very different attention
Different attention? The only difference is console needing longer patch times due to external holders like sonyµsoft. And now versus running a beta on PC only, presumably due to limited resources for it.
PC doesnt magically get patches every other month while consoldes get em every 6, nope, its like once or twice a year with one getting it a bit earlier, for both.
It doesn’t take a month+ for Sony/Microsoft to approve, and console has had lingering flames bug/warrior priest self revive for over a month now. This has nothing to do with alpha/beta, I don’t think vs is coming to console at all. There’s still other features like twitch mode % increase that have never made it to console. It’s not the same attention stop defending them
If you looking at Versus F.A.Q. it is written that VERSUS will be only for PC players.
I wrote them to said I’m disappointed. I spent money as PC players.
I sent them a lot of fix from English to Italian in Q4 2023 and I’m still waiting in February 2024.
OE is broken for the talent that gives 3 bombs at the begin of the mission. On PC is already correct instead on console will be broken for a long time.
Fatshark know how to make a funny game but they don’t take care of all players. Someone have more attention than others
I agree…abandoning Console players is pretty messed up. We paid the exact same price as PC but arent getting console at all. If it was in fact coming to console when out of beta they would have responded to any one of the million questions about it in the stream or the several threads about it here.
Them refusing to say ANYTHING or offer any kind of more clear explanation says alot. Console is officially abandoned. Guess they shouldn’t have charged us the same price as PC concidering there is gonna be content differences this big
The twitch mode stuff and other such features is beyond my knowing so indeed it is fair to say that console gets less attention in that sense alone if nothing else. However as far as patching goes, i am nearly certain there have been prior cases of Sony/microsoft actually taking their sweet time with the approval times. Which wouldnt be surprising considering that vt2 isnt big and they got other stuff to worry about.
As for those bugs in question, lingering + flamethrower staff was still in the game on PC a couple of weeks back which was way after the supposed fix, though the WP thing might be gone? Havent seen anyone do it recently at least.
If you don’t play on console, why are you defending this? They haven’t patched anything on console since the balance update, so it’s not just the flamestorm+lingering, it’s everything+lingering because it’s still bugged allowing all dots to stack. WP can definitely still self res on console. Bardin still doesn’t get 3 grenades at the start with the new talent. There’s still other much older bugs before the balance update exclusive to console that have yet to be addressed. And other settings/features exclusive to pc not just with twitch mode.
I understand the player base difference, dealing with Sony/Microsoft, and being pc focused from the beginning. But that doesn’t mean console players won’t be frustrated at these things when they pay the same amount as pc players and don’t see this problem with other smaller company’s games.
What I don’t understand is pc players that go onto console threads to comment that console version gets everything pc version has, console gets the same amount of attention, defending the month+ difference between updates saying it is Microsoft/Sony’s fault, or to just say get a pc when they don’t play or never have played the game on console.
What bugs? There’s some on PC that have been around since alpha too. There’s still people not getting 3 grenades on OE on PC either and it doesnt seem clear why last i heard.
As for features missing, still admit i am ignorant about the why´s and hows in regards to features not being added, i can guess but i cant really say i got any real certainty.
As for why PC users go into these threads i mean, its far from new knowledge that it takes about 1-2 months for patches to be shipped to console. Specific reasons being whatever they are. Then we hear this “why have we been forsaken?” playing on repeat every single time.
Though i do understand the disapointment in not being allowed a chance to partake in the versus beta, but on the other hand, i cant really help but feel that expecting to get that is expecting too much given the longtime state of things. They balance/patch PC once or twice every year, it´d be strange if they could manage to host anything big that includes such a big scope of targets. Especially when crossplay is not possible.
Again it’s not about the beta. It’s that vs isn’t coming to console at all. And again if you’re on pc, why do you care what console players are complaining about, and on top of that, defending the dev decisions in regards to console. It has nothing to do with you and like you said, you don’t even know what all console is missing.
This was confirmed where? Last i heard there was just no answer to the question which probably indicates no beta plans for console (would defo rile people up if stated outright) but that doesnt really set it into stone that versus will never come along. Even if later.
I know that pretty much every time there is a patch there will be one or several console players going “what about us? We never get anything” without fail. Which i try to refute by noting that PC pretty much gets patches about equally often.
In the faq asking general questions (not just questions about the alpha) it states VS will only be on pc. And this post wasn’t about patches/updates, it was about vs. Console players complain because we are consistently lagging behind the pc version regardless of the reasons. Again why do you care?
Ah, at first i thought it was only for the test, going by the forums, but having dug around, a comment on reddit by aqshy does suggest this to be the case, hm. Indeed this doesnt look like a good thing.
Test being PC only is fine, finale release, less so.
Misery loves company but hates snowflakes…and boredom.
That’s what their wording is implying
And being deliberately hush about this rather than answering the question repeatedly directed towards them is a pretty ass move
See my response in the other thread here:
Okay thanks for the reply