What do you want?

Would you rather a Game that:

  • A - Updates often for 2 years (say every 2 weeks) then kinda peters out, no more updates, bug-fixes etc.
  • B- Updates sporadically thru the year, 2-4 updates a year, no schedule, surprise updates, but still supported 10+ years later.
0 voters


Response A is so disadvantageous it’s not even funny:

  1. Employee burnout
  2. Arbitrary timeframe forces updates to be portioned. Some ideas never even make it in, because it needs to fit in a certain timeframe.
  3. Mild positive feeling when everything works, but fans get explosive when suddenly nothing comes in.

From a business standpoint there is not a single advantage in tieing yourself to a planned schedule like that - Which is why most companies, don’t.


Some do succeed with A’s business model, but regardless, Im wondering what ppl would prefer with no consideration for the effects on the business or customer goodwill.