What do you hope the next big update will be?

The big crafting update: Fixing the crafting system so it’s more engaging and less RNG
The one we have now is just ripped out of V2 but without red-mat and locks.
So maybe something new and endgame-compatible

New map and story progression: more map, more good.
Maybe a new boss, something fun like V2 ones that have diffrent movesets and feel diffrent from eachother (burbelspewpew, skarrik, bödvarr and the latest one I can’t remember the name of) instead of just whaling on them (twins are good something in that direction)

Melk and weapons update: actually make melk and weeklys have a point to them now he just sells midtier trash that’s somewhat usefull if you are new and collecting blessings.
Maybe he sells recolloring kits for melkbucks?!?
Some new cool weapons is always good (if you don’t think of the RNG making the % of what you want so much smaller with each addded thing).

Maybe you have some good content you hope for


I just hope for the first thing, i.e. a crafting system that’s not an exercise in RNG-induced frustration.


For the next one

New weapons
Both variants, pairings and outright new model weapons.

New enemies:
Lords: Dreg Sorcerer/Preacher Lord
Elites: Plaguebearers


Honestly? I want a complete balance pass of the entire game, with a redesign of blessings. I feel like the players are in general too strong right now, and thats why we are getting unique enemy spam right now. Tone us down (or maybe tone melee elites up). A group of Crushers shouldn’t be a 5 second road bump, it should be a do or die possible run ender event.

Additionally 90% of blessings are just very boring. Stat increases on hit or kill. Give us more uniqur stuff. Really change how we play the game. Ryken made a really good video discussing it awhile back:

This is going to sound psychotic, but this is stuff I would want more than a crafting rework. If a crafting rework came out today, that changes nothing for me. But if there are some big balance changes, and hopefully some unique and fun blessings to change playstyles, that would get me back playing even through the horrible crafting system.


That is for you… A crafting rework would be for everyone. I forget who said it, but the crafting system is the thorn in the side of darktide. It doesn’t matter what content they drop, what weapon marks they add, what things they fix, it is all tainted until crafting is addressed.

To illustrate it better, even adding new weapons under this broken system makes acquisition of what you want even more difficult, because the pool becomes larger. The odds of you getting the gun you want from brunt becomes less likely the bigger your class’s pool is.


A crafting update is do or die for fatshark imo. It’s been the largest complaint about their game since launch, and their refusal to address it has exasperated the situation.

They promised player agency and have players a slot machines instead. I really hope they realize how important this is and focus everything they have on it.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, just a first step in the right direction followed by many more.


While new maps would be welcome, I’d rather see that they would add some form of variation on how you progress through any given map. Going back to the old maps and change so it’s just not the same way you go each time or that you could get other middle and end events.

How long would be a good amount of time then? and would there still be the same amount of disablers and specials spawn during said time aswell?

New enemy types and variants, new game mode, new blessings


#1) Fix crafting

At a minimum, give a way to remove locks, even if temporarily, to stop the syndrome of “bricked weapons” and inability to make a build you want from the parts you have.

A step further would be introducing red items, a way pay resources or Melk coins to purchase blessings directly, and way to earn higher base items levels when purchasing Greys from Brunt.

None of the fixes to crafting requires a total rework of the system, just adjustments to what’s already there.

#2) Improve mission gameplay/objective variety.

This is a function of adding variability (alternate paths or procedural sections) to existing and future maps, adding new secondary objective types and making them worth actually going after (tie to cosmetic penances, etc), and adding more mission modifiers.

The above would be huge for keeping the gameplay fresh.

#3) Balance pass.

The “meta” is a pretty narrow range. And while nearly everything is viable there is lot that isn’t great. Biggest issue are under performing blessings that should be buffed a bit, and also certain mark weapons being clearly weaker than others. Fixing these will open up more room for experimenting and keep the gameplay diverse.


I understand all that stuff. You don’t need to go over the details. The thread was asking what you hoped the next update was, not what was best for the game.

I don’t know what a “good” amount of time would be, as there are tons of variables but something far larger. Less but more threatening spawns, at least for melee elites. And if they’re a threat than specialist and disabler spawns can be reduced as well.


Four things:

  1. Crafting made the deterministic system we were promised.
  2. Blessings rebalanced accordingly so we stop having Best-In-Slot all the time.
  3. Enemy spam reduced to account for a more balanced blessing assortment and overall reduced player power, because higher tiers are essentially ‘unless you brought a way to kill 6 crushers in 30 seconds you’re going to fail’ now.
  4. New maps. New enemies. Actual story missions.

from Imgflip Meme Generator


Crafting and item acquisition that’s not pure RNG-gambling #1. On top of all the issues with resource imbalances and drop rates and Hadron-bricking and general frustration, the whole thing just feels hamfisted and forced into this game at a deep fundamental level by a Dev or C-Suite who doesn’t actually play the game and really isn’t interested in hearing feedback but is deeply devoted to the Gacha-model for a reason nobody is able to understand (and that Fatshark clearly has 0 desire to share).

There’s also a lot of “waste” in itemization and crafting. Right now we’ve got 4 different item acquisition methods (Melk, Mission Rewards, Armory Exchange, Brunt), and most of what players receive or are offered is essentially junk, stuff that will never be selected or purchased or used, and if rewarded is simply destroyed. None of that is necessary, it’s all trash just designed to set up the hook into gambling psychology for engagement purposes when the same thing could be accomplished by just…letting people grind weapons and upgrades with XP and in-game resources like DRG or a gazillion other games. But instead Fatshark chose to invest a huge amount of development time and features into building and maintaining what is effectively a large e-waste generator, just to hose-blast players with a stream of literal digital garbage, which then has to be managed and picked through and disposed of by the user like an internet hobo.

#2 We still need another repass at blessings and perks. There’s a large grip of blessings that still aren’t functioning correctly, and many that just aren’t ever terribly useful or that are damn near mandatory, while many of the Perks are total wastes just in general and many more are pointless on specific weapons. The fact that I can just slap “+25% Flak” on the overwhelmingly vast majority of weapons and have it at least be an A if not S tier perk is a problem while “+X% Ranged Damage Groaners/Poxwalkers” is gonna get ripped off every time, and you don’t see anyone using a Power Sword without Power Cycler.

#3 Gear aside, some talent adjustments as well. There’s lots of dead or waste nodes/talents, some that have way too many support nodes (wtf does Volley Fire need 4 nodes for? Why does Warp Siphon have 6?), while others are basically mandatory. We have a number of Keystones that just aren’t very good or that seemingly are designed for a different type of game altogether, and just don’t work terribly well or don’t really match their intended philosophy like Disrupt Destiny, Marksman’s Focus, etc.

This stuff all feels like it’s finally in a “release” state, but very definitely “early release”. We’ve moved out of the “unfinished beta” feel that was the first year of the game’s existence of these fronts, but there’s clearly a lot of work to be done.

If these can be addressed, I think Darktide is on solid footing for the future and ready for truly new content. They’re not trivial changes, but they’re certainly not the hardest things for Fatshark to address either.


Content. I want a lot more content
The Mourningstar is empty. The lore is minimal.
The maps I could probably run with eyes closed if empty. More maps. And it should not be that difficult to change them up.
Mission selection is atrocious, allow people to choose the maps and conditions ffs.
Tons of more weapons and skins. Something that isn’t a different shade of gren or red. There is a pallet of colours. What is so special about green and red?
The crafting system. ALL OF IT. Redone.
The sound issues.
Some physics adjustments - the barrels blowing out of map an ogryn is just stupid.
Rebalance of weapons. Strongest character in game can’t compete in melee with a tiny zealot that wipes everything with it’s hammer.
I don’t want to write a book here but literally more. Just more.

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MoOaR bOdY TaTtoSs !!4!4!!!

ok dear santa emperor,

since i was a good ogryn i’d like in my bag:

*new nurgle themed enemies (nurglings/plague bearers etc) both melee and ranged, maybe even airial if feasible.

*a sizeable amount of new maps / or procedurally generated new game mode (i literally take vacations to play the game so an endless/how far down the hive can you make it-mode would be nice)

*dumping perks and blessings (keep magic stuff in curios) in favor of real weapon parts(magazines, barrels, receivers, ammo type, scopes) that can be looted through definately available crates/bosses/map modifiers.

you literally load the “good stuff ammo” on a dropship, whose gonna count if a crate goes"missing"

+25% flak damage ? .556
+25% carapace ? .223
+25 maniac ? 5.7x28

or whatever lore counterpart would be apropriate.

never got my head around how holding your emperor-ish hand over a gun would have any impact on its performance, apart from make-belief in terms of combat behavior of its owner.

*lootable addons to your skins, trinkets, trophies and the like / unlock free variations of skins from killing certain bosses or completing map conditions.

as much as i like my premium drip, a bit unlockable bling for said purchases wouldnt harm any sales.


Chaos Wastes equivalent. Randomly-assembled maps made of handmade level chunks connected by corridors and elevators. This would allow for a huge influx of variety in gameplay/missions without the constant need to create expensive content.

Short levels, long levels, levels with twisty turny passages and dead-ends (like one of the Drachenfels dungeons maps), mid-level objectives where we defend different areas (like the Mercantile drug den, but in all kinds of places), (short) levels where we have to carry an object through to the end…so many possibilities!


I’d like to see more big maps above all else. Maybe a new enemy. Nurgle plague marine could be a great new terrifying enemy.

Ideally a new xp ceiling of 60 or even more, a new difficulty level, new penances, new weapons, new maps, new enemies, new cosmetics. Just more of everything please because I absolutely love this game and don’t want it to get stale :smiling_face:

It’s either gonna be too big while adding bloat and not addressing core issues or too little while adding bloat and not addressing core issues.

Definitely a crafting and gear progression overhaul
Hopefully with new penances related to the new skills.
And the commissary stops being abandoned