What blessing gives you the best results in Auric Damnation? ((Ranged Edition))

I wanna hear your thoughts and experiences!(I don’t wanna do my own research and plus it’ll be a good way to compile data)

There are a lot, depends on the weapon, and class. You need to be more specific if you want somethong useful out of this thread.
Generally speaking Surgical, Pinning Fire, Shattering Impact, Dum Dum and Blaze Away are always good and realiable blessings.
Particular weapons have uniqe blessings, for exaple i feel like a Rubler must have Adhesive Charge.
The most important thing is to use something that synergize well together, like Surgical and Hand Cannon on a revolver.

With stealth Zealot or stealth Veteran, Raking Fire on Autoguns and Laspistols is a surprisingly interesting pick.
You can sneak behind enemy lines and mow down hordes and Scab / Dreg Shooter firing lines in seconds.

Not sure cause the enemies tend to face you really fast…

I have seen the video on this, tried in my games, but in fact the situations where it procs seem limited.
but maybe i am wrong

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I agree, I think Raking Fire is more of an “on paper” type blessing. Even if in that niche case it does work, which I’m doubtful of, the other 90% of the game it’s a dead blessing due to the corridor nature of the game.

Depends entirely on the weapon. Also all of them have alternative options, and also depend on builds. There’s no way I can go through them all but if I look at the weapons I like and use most, then it would prolly be these pairings:

  • Trauma Staff - Warp Flurry & Rending Shockwave / Warp Nexus
  • Voidstrike Staff - Surge & Warp Nexus
  • Purge Staff - Terrifying Barrage & Warp Nexus
  • Deimos Force Sword - Deflector & Slaughterer / Uncanny Strike
  • Illisi Force Sword - Deflector & Slaughterer / Bloodthirsty / Executor
  • Duelling Sword IV - Uncanny Strike & Shred / Rampage
  • Revolver - Hand-Cannon & Surgical
  • Laspistols - Ghost & Dumdum > Infernus
  • Crusher - Skullcrusher & Hammerblow > Trauma
  • Agripinaa Shotgun - Full Bore & Scattershot (most others favor Fire Frenzy & No Respite, but I go for weakspot 1-shots with the special rounds)
  • Combat Axes - Brutal Momentum & Limbsplitter > Thrust > Headtaker
  • Eviscerator XV (the new one) - Shred & Rampage

And I think that’s enough. I have used all of the weapons and have good versions of most, often several of each across various characters but those are what I like most I think.

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Depends entirely on the weapon and build synergy… best results are whatever you have the most fun with and without being a detrement to the team though. Dont overthink these things too much, just have fun

In what world would you take scattershot on the Aggrip over full bore? Especially if you’re trying to use the slug shots???

Oh true! I mixed Fire Frenzy with Full Bore. Edited that in. :>

The blessings that restore toughness are always extremely well rounded for extended shoot-offs. Similarly are the ones that grant temporary ranged immunity.

Damage blessings tend to be extremely dependent on what weapon you combo them with.

That’s why you run low profile in set ups like that. Still works without it for bursting stuff down though.

you don’t get me… i don’t speak shooting from the back.
I say that enemies turn fast in front of you. You kill the first enemy (if he does not get enough time to turn back) but the others around him will place themselves in front of you. So you don’t really proc it a lot.
I have seen that you can get the bonus also by the side. Fact is, I don’t believe it is efficient.

Lot of good blessing for ranged weapons.
One great, surgical strike.
Dum dum is great also, frenzy kill, full bore & no respite or scattershot + man stopper for shotguns

really lot of things… and even things that are not seen as good by the community

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