Basically weapons or playstyles that don’t have to be optimal but definitely viable and fun on damnation.
For example an autopistol with “blaze away” and “pinning fire” blessings, in close-mid range it can wipe out entire mob groups in seconds. But it’s useless against carapace/boss and eats ammo extremely fast.
I had a veteran teammate on this build rushed entire map with my zealot, fun as hell.
I also heard laspistol works really well with crit build, though I’m not sure which exact blessings it needs…
Not sure if there’s any other builds that either change the way how a class plays, or at least offers more options than what we’ve already seen most of the games.
the one blessing which gives you more critchance on headshot until you get a crit.
These two blessings work really nice together
ALso theres a blessing for giving you crit chance the longer you hold aming. on some weapons its good, on Recon i use mostly hipfire since theres no difference to aimed, so i take the other with weakspot7 headshot.
The burn is good even on heresy!
“Headhunter” was the one
Crit chance +% up to 15% when hitting Weakspots until you get a crit
that combined with Infernus is super nice.
Some would recommend the Recon with the highest firerate, i tend to the VIIa Recon Lasgun cause its the only one that can penetrate 1 Infested Enemy. The others cant. Not even the normal Lasguns f.ex. MGXII which is the best Lasgun by far which is not Recon.
Recon is ment for Hordes especially so i rather have better pen and Unique Pen in that regard!
for Ogryn on Stubber/ Rippergun/ etc
*Blaze away (good on all weapons)
*Overwhelming Fire 1-2,5% more dmg when shooting the same target. Chained range hit
*Charmed Reload gives up to 8+ Bulets into Magaziin when doing a crit.
works nice with both the other Perks of course.
i have a 380 Stubber with the first two Perks and havent tried out yet. but i have tried both separately and they are super good. so both together should be devastating!
***Maybe “Inspiring Barrage” (gives up to 10% toughness regen on continious fire stacks up to 5x
havent tried, but could definetly be nice aswell)
**Always take one Horde Weapon Melee/ Ranged
You wann have one Weapon for Armored Enemies and one for Horde normally. Same as it was in V2
Which one is what is up to you and your Character. The only exception is Ogryn for the most part and maybe Psyker since Ogryn is made for killing Hordes and Psyker Staffs are normally also good for Hordes and or Elites. Psyker is support Class anyway iMO,
I think Flamer is amazing now, but my Fav is still Surge Staff for CC armoed enemies specially.
Voidstrike is the strongest now and Trauma i need to test again since there are new Blessings for it!