Noice, welcome @FatsharkLev . So, how much influence do you have with the design team? Have you heard about this champ we should have in the game named Genevieve Dieudonné. I’m DM you later, you’re gonna love this
It’s lucky we added a page to the newcomers welcome pack that mentions Smoker’s unshakeable will to see Genevieve Dieudonné join the heroes in their final chapters against the forces of Chaos.
A proper greeting is in order indeed, so welcome @FatsharkLev may Asuryan lends you His strength when dealing with the unpredictable issues and struggles that occur here… (like the entity known as @SmokerT69 which should never be mentioned).
Now… I have but a simple question for you that shall decide your future and fate… what do you think of Dwarfs?