Weekly Contracts "Finish 6 Secondary Obj. within specific mission" is a nightmare

My issue may be very specific to me and maybe I am just very unlucky and/or incompetent, but due to being unable to re-roll my last Weekly Contract I am now stuck at having to finish 6 Secondary Objectives within the Mission Vigil Station Oblivium.

This Contract has a Medium Complexity and Rewards +210 Requisitorium Fun Bucks and I feel this in absolutely no relation to this contract’s requirements; IMHO it should be classified as a High Complexity contract and give at least double (or more) of the reward currency.

This may not be obvious to people who play in regular groups, but as someone who is playing with random players 95% of the time this Contract is a significant undertaking and, as in my case, may require an insane amount of time to complete.

I have started to attempt to do this contract yesterday and estimate that I have so far invested ca. 5 hours of my time to complete this contract. At the moment of writing this I have completed this task only once and need to do 5 more times to get my Completion Rewards.

Why am I so bad at the game that this is giving me so much trouble?

Because, unless you play with a dedicated team, this Contract is dependent on luck more than anything else. To start, we’ve already had the discussion where people couldn’t complete this task in the Beta because the required maps were not in rotation, so right from the get-go you are dependent on getting lucky and finding this map in your mission rotation WITH secondary objectives attached to them, on a difficulty that you can actually attempt (been trying to get this on Uprising and Malice. and there’s just no way I would even consider attempting this on Heresy).

Then, on multiple instances while doing this contract, my group of random players (who, btw, are almost always helpful and willing to do this with me) simply did not find the 3rd scripture.

Well, fine, just gotta’ git gud and really search the entire mission for the things that spawn randomly in locations you may never be aware of if your teammates pick them up without pinging the location, too (so that one may make a mental map of possible locations).

But then I’ve played 4 instances where we found all 3 scriptures, only to then lose at least one because someone died from an exploding barrel or sudden poxburster yeeting players out of the map.

In one instance, we lost a scripture due to me getting disconnected from the game and my Replacement Bot dying in the 30 seconds it took me to reconnect (this was also right at the end of the mission).

Maybe this is all a “me-problem”, but IMO this is a badly designed contract that locks me into playing only one specific map for hours on end, just so that I can finish my Weeklies.

If only Fatshark hadn’t decided to limit the amount of times you can re-roll your Contracts (it wasn’t limited in the Beta as far as I remember) then I would not be stuck with this. Worst part is that I originally re-rolled that Contract because it started on this exact type of task, and I landed this task multiple times (the task before I re-rolled the final time and landed on this again was something else that is really stupid).

In my opinion locking this task to one specific map is completely sadistic and whoever thought it up should re-evaluate how they design these things.

My suggestion would be to raise the reward for this task AND either open it up to any mission (rather than locking it to one specific mission) OR halve the completion requirements from 6 to 3.

I get that this task isn’t as hard when you play with a full team, and in a few weeks or months it will be easier to do if you find people who have done this busy-work multiple times and know all the locations. But even then I feel this task is unbalanced and simply badly designed.

That is all. I came here to vent in frustration about this., but maybe this post is more helpful without my rage attached, so idk…


There’s always one of those. When it’s just 3 secondaries, there’s even a chance to complete it. Assuming you’re lucky and you spend most of your weekend on it. The sad fact that the average person may not even get the choice to attempt the mission on some days will reliably prevent most players from getting the +1000. I guess it pads out game time or something?


I am just going to assume that whoever designed this task never, ever, plays multiplayer games with random people. I imagine a game-designer who always runs with the same group of his dev-friends and they all think that this is just as easy for everyone else as it is for them.

I am currently off work due to health reasons, so I have a ton of time on my hands and I’m masochistic enough to attempt to finish this contract. But as soon as I return back to work and don’t have all this free time that I can waste on nonsense like this, I’m just not even going to bother. Instead, it will just add more to my frustration with this game and the backwards design-decisions these devs made, which I think is really sad.

So I hope they give at least some of these weekly contracts a rework.


As long as you get 1 grim or 1 scripture it should count imo.
The rng of the mission WITH secondary obj active is pain enough


Completely agree. I got 2 out 3 scriptures and got zero progress towards 6. What kind of bad design is this, hopefully just a bug?


Im fairly convinced that contract exists just to get you to spend some of your mountain of dockets to change it to something else.


Couldn’t agree more.
I’ve been watching the mission board for hours now because I got this ret–ded Contract:
And I am not allowed to re-roll it.
I re-rolled 3 or 4 times, and it won’t let me change it anymore. Is that a bug or is there a limit on how often we can re-roll? If there is, that needs to be mentioned! Because how it is, the game still gives me the option to replace the task - then tells me it’ll cost me 7.5k - then when I accept that… nothing happens.
There shouldn’t be a limit, especially because when trying to get rid of the secondary objective-contracts you can get the same one for a different map. Which happened to me several times here.
The increasing cost gives enough limitation - let us re-roll to get rid of these f—ing ret–ded time wasting frustrating secondary objective contracts!

Those side mission contracts go against the idea, that I can just hop onto the game and play a round to work on my progress whenever I want.

It also makes absolutely zero sense that 6 Secondary Objectives give less then 12 Grimoires. Because sure, you could also go for Tomes - but Secondary Objectives require you to make it through the end with ALL of 'em. While the Tome/Grim Missions are totally fine with you just making it out with one or two. So it’s just exponentially more difficult - especially when playing with pugs.
And I have to play with pugs. Why? Because during the time where my team is available, those very specific missions I need usually aren’t available.

At the very least, make it so that we have 6 Contracts while only needing 5 to get the 1k Reward.


I agree, plus I have a bug this week and can’t reroll this one. I gave up on it already

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Its a specific bug with these type of contracts or reroll 3-4 times already

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You cannot choose to pursue this objective. The game has to decide to let you do it.

I made an account to complain about this one, but the search turned up this thread already.

I had an objective that didn’t sound great and it re-rolled into this and I assume you can only re-roll once so I’m stuck with it. The problem being, I’ve yet to see the specific mission even be available with secondary objectives during my play sessions.

I just spent spent the last several hours with the game running in the background, camping the mission terminal waiting for the specific mission to come up with secondary objectives.

It never did. NOT ONCE.

I’m into my 4th hour of mission stalking, and still nothing. Every time the map comes up it has no secondary objectives available. Hell at this point I’d try doing grims on damnation but the opportunity has yet to present itself. And worse, when it DOES come up, missions are only available for such a short time, I’ll be able to actually do the mission ONCE, and will have to do it at least twice, but probably 3 to 4 times to complete.

This is a bit untenable. It’s basically the game deciding whether or not you get to do your contracts for the week.

My suggestion would be change it to simply be ‘complete secondary objectives’ with a higher goal number, or just ‘complete missions on a specific map’ with no secondary objective requirement, but barring that I think at the very least I feel it needs to go from one specific mission to a short list of several so you’re not just hoping for those two stars to perfectly align often enough in the time you have to play the game.

EDIT: It comes to my attention that you only get 1 credit toward the 6 needed, even if you extract with all 3 scripts or both grims. This objective managed to get worse for me.


Rather than making a new post…just putting my agreement here that this contract is trash and will not allow me to complete my weekly bonus, stupidly frustrating. The map I’ve got on mine doesn’t appear much, the three times I’ve seen it? No secondary. Cool…

Would be fine if you could reroll more but you hit a limit that’s not mentioned. Really annoyed with this one.


I made an account to just agree with everybody’s frustration here that this weekly objective is garbage and should be reworked to allow you to complete partial objective at least and even better, let you just complete it on any map with secondary objectives, having this one puts you at the mercy of the games map rotations and you might as well not even bother if it shows up on heresy or damnation.

Yay love not being able to complete my weekly contracts because on top of that we have a reroll limit for some reason!


I’m of the opinion that this one only exists to be an ass and try to force players into spending gold to reroll. The odds of completing it are next to none, and it’s a miserably unfun objective.

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This quest is a borderline spit in the face to people trying to get the 5/5 weekly done, remove this absolute abomination of a contract or let us at least reroll indefintely for 20k or 50k coins, whatever. Or make it so its only 3 secondaries (not 6) and maybe more diversity on which map you can complete it.

Is there a reason the devs want people to stand at the mission prompt for hours? for what, higher active user numbers in the Steam stats? lol.
Even if the mission pops up eventually, and the people ingame agree on getting 2/2 or 3/3, half of the time you’re gonna miss a god-damn grim/scriptum because they re hidden like the Holy Grail.

Just completed 3 missions in the Smelter complex 1736 but only 1 out of 3 runs found all required items to complete the secondary objective.
This is some RNG-bullcrap that even puts companies like Blizzard to shame.

Dont wanna be a doom-sayer but considering DT is a close to 100% reskin of VT2 with better graphics you people better try to cater to the players you re gonna have left playing this game in a few weeks. 6 or 7 factors of RNG back to back and then sometimes the game doesnt count the progress, come on. I paid 60€ for this im expecting more than these Garrys mod beginners mistakes.


Fully agree. They should remove this from the weekly rotation.


You’re not bad, it’s the game systems that are bad. I never do this type of contract, it’s just a slap to our faces. Most of the contracts are. Also doesn’t help there’s only 8 contracts really, so variety is bad. I already made my own post about contracts, just adding some numbers behind another post with the issue.


Please take this contract out of the set. Completely unviable.

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This contract is straight up awful please remove it.


its not fun that’s for sure we shouldn’t have to be locked to a number of rerolls on weekly either. a youtube did a sort of psa I’m frustrated trying to shoot content for a new map and after 2 or 3 hours made his video about how the RNG of trying to wait for certain missions didn’t respect the players time. I feel that’s true about having to kill x number of dregs or scabs with melee or ranged. What if 2 new factions get introduced and u only see them on a map that never rolls. Later on we may end up with 6 or more tile sets u only see twice in a 12-hour period. People have jobs and lives and disrespecting these simple things becomes offputting very quickly, especially because people are not happy with the very RNG way crafting is going on top of a slot machine for simple purchases in the store we just want options we want to play the game without the game deciding how we decide were going to play it.


Made an account just to confirm that 9 days later since the last post , this is still trash and it will leave players with a really bad taste in their mouth… disgraceful. Is anyone reading the forums ? Pertinent points were made