Chain Fists: The overkill brass knuckles of the dark future. Id like to see these implemented as fast single target light attacks with a swing then single target attack for the heavy combo. Great vs targets without armor. Can rev up as a special to mince and stun one non monster opponent. (Ogryn, Zealot)
Melta: The lore is a little vague on how these operate but i always liked the metla gun in Space Marine 1. I think it would be neat as a short range destroyer of armored targets. Of course it would do just as good if not better against unarmored foes. It has two modes, dispersed and focused. You can change the mode with the weapon special button. Dispersed is kind of like a very short range shotgun (since shotguns in darktide are surprisingly long range weapons). It does less damage than the focused but it spreads it in a cone. All targets hit by the cone take its damage and receive a fair amount of burn stacks. The focused version would also be very short range but would do insane damage in a continuous beam. The beam applies tonnes of burn stacks. Small magazine sizes and low ammo. (Veteran, Zealot)
Brunt’s Big B.A.D. (Blunt Attack Device): Taking the form of a giant steel beam, or a thick piece of pipe with a cement block at the head (Mk. 1 and 2) these are two handed weapons meant to clear crowds (1) and single target melee (2). Wind up for heavy attacks should be very long but with great pay off in the form of massive cleave (1) or damage (2). (Ogryn)
Saber & Laspistol: Take the dueling swords of the psyker and slap a laspistol into the other hand. Ill state now that this should only be available on the veteran for comissar roleplay. You can attack with the saber as usual, but cant block. The block button now hipfires the laspistol. The weapon special button aims the laspistol iron sights but makes you stationary. An alternate veraion could be that your saber attacks and blocks as usual with the normal buttons, but the weapon special hipfirea the laspistol. Could seperate it into different Mks. to have the first be the more offensively inclined version, and the second be the defensively inclined version. (Veteran)
Bolter Changes: Id like to see two bolters, or two more bolters at least. One with a drum magazine and cant fire anything other than full auto (minimum of 3 shots per trigger pull). But has a larger ammo reserve and magazine. The other would replace the one we have now. Keep it the same except that the weapon special toggles full auto and semi-auto. Could theoretically keep the curent bolter too as a middle ground version. (Veteran, Zealot)
I’ll edit and update this list as more come to me. I love feedback so if you have changes/observations youd like to make, feel welcome to do so!