The store refresh happening every hour or so independently of you means that sometimes you log on, see a nice weapon, and want to compare it for a moment but 2 seconds pass aaaaaaaand its gone.
Or you see a nice weapon need some money, by the time you do a mission and get back, its gone.
We should implement the ability to lock 1, maybe 2, weapons on the shop that we want to keep between rotations of the shop.
Just lost out on a nice hammer upgrade for my character because of this.
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I wonder why we have to have a rotating shop at all? Doesn’t feel like a good or fun system to me. Your suggestion would be an improvement though!
Honestly I prefer it over the vermintide lootbox system. This way, compared to vermintide, no matter how many grimoires, scriptures, or lucky dice you might have gotten you always get the maximum reward (gold), and then are able to choose what you want, the shop taking the place of the lootboxes but having a MUCH wider selection that you can choose from.
I get why they made it this way to make RNG a bit less of a factor from boxes, and made the selection much bigger with still some of their rng. (after all it is essentially a looter shooter, just slightly different approach.)