Vote to Kick Interrupting Everything

When a teammate votes to kick another team mate, a pop up covers your whole screen and doesn’t allow you input in the game until you make your decision. It can ruin a fight or mission easily if poorly timed and can disrupt the flow of the game entirely. This is especially problematic if the one voting to kick does this at a purposely inconvenient time such as when their is a horde or a monstrosity.


Just wanted to write comment to get it a bit up…
As not very often situation to occur as I think some people don’t even know how to start a vote…but damn when you play Damnation & “any other difficulty” there is that one guy that totally is not doing much more than grab ammo & die & I really dont care much & never started a vote myself but when your surrounded by multiple enemies & the window pops up with the vote & you literally can’t do anything if you dont click either one of the options ; especially when it is happening suden.
Damn fev times got down because that & even lost 2 games because the same teammates tried to “rescue” me after putting me in that state :stuck_out_tongue: …& they really shouldn’t in some situations where there is just to much stuff[&it is even more frustrating to get downed & then lost a game because of the same people… damn not even because the one that played bad… kinda]

Generally make this vote be clicking I dunno F1[yes] or F4[no] & dont interrupt in game things like it does now… who the hell made it like that & put it to the game in this state. Can you simply add the vote from V2? It was “ok” why you cant even implement old working things like that & not screw up.

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Agree, had a game when my team spam the vote. Could implement a system which show small popup notification at left of right side of the screen with timer to vote.

Same can be implemented with team mission select when in lobby (mourningstar), while browsing the store it forces u to accept or deny the mission with the full screen popup. Then the system reset your display to default player view and interrupt whatever u was doing.