Vostroyan themed MTX - when?

Vostroyan themed MTX - when?

And for all 4 of course!


hopefully sometime

Given how bad the Krieg MTX came out, looking more like comic-con cosplay of army surplus bits than the actual DKoK models, and the extra price premium, it’s hard to get excited about new regimental cosmetics. Vostroyans could be cool, but I haven’t been impressed with much anything FS has put out on the cosmetics front on quite some time.

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yeah, Krieg looks different from tabletop version. it needs a slight change in look, but overall the item set looks… reasonable? gasmasks made out of crap rubber, greatcoats out of tarpaulin, making it look cheap to produce as they should be, counting the fact that its… Krieg soldiers. overall, people buying it, and some actually really like how it looks like (I absolutely love the zealots coat and I want one in real life). they’re trying to be closer to reality, so characters wont look slick, clean and great-looking like in movies or tabletop figures, also remembering that FS decided not to absolutely stick to existing lore, but also to expand it further with Darktide.
maybe Vostroyan soldiers will look more like real-life counterparts from Imperial Russia, thats not critical. I guess they wanted to do same thing with Krieg, but thats just my opinion.

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