So about the new boxed set GW is making off darktide-

It’s obviously just reusing old models to cash in on the lisancing, which is fine and i’m a little sad vermintide never got one, but is there going to be any tie-ins? I wanna know if there’s gonna be any skins or outfits or stuff from purchasing the game (we’ve already got a system for entering a code and getting items so it’s not exactly a long shot there) or if fatshark’s going to time a content drop to match the game’s release date.

also find it funny that the traitor guard mini outfits close to match the gear the rejects get issued by brunt. we really are getting garbage aren’t we.


Oh no, kasrkin skin in DT kit, but not in DT.


Their zealot gets a combi-eviscerator (a proper eviscerator at that)? Their veteran gets a volley/hotshot las/hellgun?

If it is meant to be representative of the game at least have those be available in-game, otherwise it really is just them repackaging minis they want to offload with little to no care.


They are, these are not exclusive minis. Kasrkin is just from team kill kit, same skin that was added in COD.


I don’t know what’s funnier:

  1. The game models having cool weapons we’re likely to never get.

  2. The game not even bothering to make new models for their tie-in.

  3. Jakal actually kinda making a point I agree with.


Why do they deny us like this

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this isn’t remotely a surprise, if you know about GW. they’ve had a stupid amount of problems fitting in press-time for all their castings in the last several years (everyone has their own theories why, but it doesn’t matter here) and a darktide kit would essentially be paying for minis they’d have stupidly limited ways to repackage. them breaking off the four minis for the players is a little wasteful, but the traitor forces are almost 100% just full sprues thrown in the box whole.


Big man Ripper gun, lets goo!

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Wen chainsword flamer in game? :grin:


They’ll combine the ogryn shock maul and zealot flamer, just wait (that should make roughly one functional weapon after all).

Caveat, only useable on scrier’s gaze psyker.

Quite small compared to usual Evicerators.

And also not an Evicerator, it’s called a Vindictor Flamer

Isnt that “Zealot” a necromunda redemptionist? I might be wrong but it just reminds me of it.

Overall Id feel kinda cheated they just bunged in some pre-made models. If I bought hero quest or warhammer quest and they reused whf models Id be pissed!

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Pious Vorn from Black Fortress

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Cheers :slight_smile: Iv never seen the black fortress models before.

So it looks like 3 reused blackstone fortress models and a karsakin from the normal box set?

I believe the Psyker was from a B Stone expansion set, but is now the standard model for Imperial Guard Primaris Psykers.

Ogryn and Kasrkin are both generic models, not from Bstone. I don’t think there was a playable Ogryn in Blackstone fortress, just a corrupted one.

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The ogryn looked like an old model to me but I saw BSF had an expansion of the ogryn brothers here:

…and I assumed it was a new model but I guess not :rofl: I dont play IG or know much about their army models apart from playing DOW1

I also havent touched the primaris marines apart from a game again: Battlesector.

Overall it seems GW are reusing assets all over the place. This is not on FS ofc. But its kinda sad to see.

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It’s annoying and confusing, but Imperial Guard Primaris Psykers have absolutely zero relation to Primaris Space Marines. They were called Primaris Psykers when DoW 1 came out I believe.

They are basically the most trained and trusted Psykers who are suitable for battlefield deployments, and many of the Psyker abilities we have in game are based on Psychic disciplines they use.

Yes, but FS also really likes reusing a lot of their assets lol.

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Which wouldnt be so bad if they didnt charge for a large amount of them as well :nauseated_face:

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