Voidstrike, Surge and Traume 'Primary Attack'

Am I the only one who thinks the primary attack of these staffs sucks?

The delay before the shot actually goes off and the travel time before it makes contact makes it really hard to aim unless enemies are standing still or running right at you. I almost never use it because of how clunky it is. Much prefer BB even if firing off two shots of the primary attack would be faster and with the same result.


I would like it better personally if you were to give the staves’ primary attack either the beam mechanic from VT2 or simply make it more spammable.

Bolt staff primary would be fine imo (basically a spam able high firerate full auto version of what we have now).
But the current state of these primary attacks really is lackluster.

Enemies even actively dodge the projectile.

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Theoretically yes, but you also have BB which already fills that niche in a sense. Furthermore as you’ve stated enemies can dodge bullets, which is why a beam is more lenient and adds something unique mechanics-wise.

*Edit technically you could also just reduce the travel time of the projectile, but that would further invalidate using guns on Psyker, which already is a very small niche.

I get that, but currently those 3 weapons only have one attack effectively, because the primary is so bad. Something has to be done. It would be even better if they actually made them different…

I am not saying nothing should be done about it. I simply believe that a bolt like attack - while better than the status quo - fullfills a niche that is already largely occupied by BB, which is why I am championing something akin to the Beam-mechanic from VT2 as that would be more interesting. Of course having unique primary attacks would be better, but I am also not too bothered by staves getting their differentiating factors from one another through their secondaries.

These attacks suck because of server-side projectile handling, because they have horrible damage fall-off, and because they travel pretty slow.

basically, don’t expect these attacks to get better anytime soon.

I’ve found those primary attacks pretty lackluster, for sure. I’d rather have something more dynamic. I don’t think they should be quite “direct” enough to replaces guns, sure, but maybe the Voidstrike primary could ricochet off surfaces, and the Surge primary could have an erratic flight path but home in on targets near it.

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I’m extremely dissaponted all staffs (except purge) have same primary atack. Another downgrade comapre to V2


Yeah, they are rather pointless. Also with the frontarm enemy hitbox lowering your damage also fairly unreliable for what you would like to use it, picking off random shooters.