I have already written several times on this forum about the need for a visual change in some segments of the game, I also wrote about the need to introduce the score table as an informative part of the game. I think it is necessary for informative reasons to have a board that we can look at at any moment during the game itself and see how much damage our weapons are doing or for example to see how many special or elite enemies we have killed.
This post is simply about fixing the game’s visual identity. I don’t want to use mods to get that tiny yet so good visual feel.
Let’s start with the boosters, it would be really great if each booster icon finally got its own color, both on the map itself and in the HUD. It’s very useful to know what boosters my teammates are using so I can share mine with them if they need it.
The next option that would be great would be to finally get a chance to see how much ammo each of the team members has. It is of incredible importance for a quality relationship between us.
Also, as a small thing, it would be to insert the total number of kills into the HUD itself, which would give us an even greater incentive to destroy as many heretical structures as possible.
Blitz cooldown speed expressed in seconds or even better in detailed percentages.
Even more options with FOV where we could move the viewing perspective away from us a little and have more of our hands visible
Ammo boxes should have their own icon. So, for example, a small box with ammunition has an icon that shows 1 bullet, and a large bag with ammunition has an icon that shows more bullets. Also, the visibility distance of ammunition should be increased to 20 m.
An indicator that discreetly shows which blessings we do not have, which is of great help for blessing and re-blessing as well as shopping at Melk. Also, such an indicator would allow us to avoid selling weapons that have the desired blessing.
So much for now, I hope some of my suggestions will see the light of day and be accepted by the community as well as the game developers.
I feel that is an opinion, not a fact. You are welcome to that opinion, but I don’t share it.
I don’t want any more visual clutter. There’s enough going on. It’s a game, sure, but let’s have some attempt at realism within that eh?
I don’t want any additional icons - yeah, actually you probably should have to walk up to a syringe on the floor and inspect it at least to see its label. Visible at 20m? That just sounds like making it faceroll easy.
“How many bullets you got their sarge?”
“432 my good Ogryn. I take care to count each and every one.”
-Do you not think colour coding is a fair estimate? Sure, have a 4th colour - one for each quartile if that helps. But an exact bullet count is ridiculous when you think about it.
Score board / kill counts - again, flogged to death on the forums. FS think the objective is to finish. You want to make a personal in-game objective to kill x of stuff then that’s absolutely fine, but again, there’s a simple mod for it.
You don’t want to mod - fine - but whether its worthwhile the devs time bringing this in … I’d say no.
edit - On point 7 - do you mean like the little magnifying glass you get?
I agree on that point that it’d be handy to know if you have the ability already at a higher tier as then it’s not worth buying/sacrificing for the blessing, but again, I’m sure there’s a mod for that for now.
there’s no point in having numbers attached to ammo or cooldown, outside of encouraging people to blame each other/the game for their screwups. you can see more or less how much ammo each person has and any more granularity could only function in trying to split hairs on who needs ammo more.
putting numbers on cooldown only allows people that go down because they screwed up and tried to bet on their ult saving them sooner a reason to be mad at their team for not “holding the line” for them when they were ignoring the team to begin with.
most of the rest of your ideas seem to be “i steal all the ammo and too much of it sneaks past me into the ogryn’s hands when i the might gunzealot need it to always be shooting” phrased in the most polite way imaginable.
hell i even want more UI clutter, the lack of pointless technogothic decoration on the UI is the least 40k thing about this game.
I think they are fine, we just need callouts for the items as anything but a “health-booster” is mostly skipped. On a tangent, I would like if characters had tech tree nods to modify boosters, the blue one is always skipped so I just stab myself and wiggle my mouse every time I see one, heh.
I think the white-yellow-red is a bit half-baked, so I agree here. Personally, I don’t play with mods and I don’t agree with the just use mods forehead line people toss out , these should be QoL for everyone, including console.
No thanks. Interesting take, maybe there is a mod? (heh joking)
Blitz cooldown speed? not sure what Blitz is, Im an Ogryn main. Although I would like second countdowns on abilities that could time nicely with things.
ok sure but thats marginal, not worth dev time IMO.
Ok I like this! Add voice lines for each category of ammo to help people who one listen. I think visibility distance should only increase if a player tags the item.
Everything ezcept kill counter and blessing icon (which we already have), is great and how I currently run the game. At the very least it should be an option between simple and advanced.
Being able to clearly and concisely see and digest important information like that at a moment’s glance is important and can help you make quick decisions without trying to make guesses off if the UI.
Yes, and considering how we have Xbox and potentially PlayStation at some point them being mods will matter less and less.