I’m not even questioning that. But beam/exhaust/rss sienna requires no skill and has very good performance. It is boring and makes runs lame.
It was just an example broseph. You can try it yourself for a full run and see how you do.
Don’t play it then?
Also I have tried Beam staff/ CDR build before. It’s not as strong compared to say, fireball staff build. It’s fun sure, but it’s not OP.
Uh, children obsessed with HUGE CRITS and BIG DAMAGE as if having the biggest green circle means anything. The minimal skill vs the big performance is the point they seem to be missing, but they take any opportunity to troll and argument on the internet. Sure, you can clear hordes with bardin/sienna flamethrower, but beam pyro performs at range and close quarters with no effort.
Sure, but the scoreboard is the only way to gauge a class’s performance, but sure lets make fun of people and label them as trolls. All because they share a different opinion than ours, or better yet they wish to challenge us. Or even worse, they don’t think that particular build is OP. Oh the humanity!
If it is this bad / not enough satisfying / glorious / too much feeble and cowardly, just don’t use it.
You seriously have too much time on your hands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XcKBmdfpWs
He started it with Jim Carey meme. Look at how he argues! He just assumes without any evidence or knowledge that the Waystalker I ran with was bad or joined late. He just makes up stuff to support his “arguments” when he has nothing else to fall back on. He criticizes trivial stuff like “me backing up” as if that is a slight on the build, when I was backing up to prevent bots from engaging the horde in melee. He’s acting like I claimed that beam/exhaust/rss is the highest dps most op build in the game, and then presents evidence of himself with big padded numbers as a counterargument to his own strawman. He’s calling me a bad player, etc etc. He makes outlandish claims like the 20 sec clear but presents no evidence to back it up. He claims he has NEVER run out of ammo with hagbane.
He’s motivated to win the argument no matter what sort of strawmen, ad hominem, fallacy, lie, anything he has to sling to win it. He argues like a sociopath, meaning troll. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things.
The simple proposition I maintain is that beam/exhaust/rss requires very little skill to play relative to its performance. And for that reason it is OP. It certainly isn’t the biggest damage output or best boss killer in the game or anything, but those other classes that do fit that description require a decent amount of skill to perform at that level. Nothing that Sir Troll has argued or posted has countered anything I’ve said.
Lol! This is cute, you’re a cute fellow
Screenshots are useless, you can top green circles as anyone because most players are bad. I get all the little green circles as huntsman but I still think he is on the weaker side. I can even bigger green circles on basically anyone else and feel like I play the game worse.
Do you realize you are describing yourself and your own behaviour? Despite countless people contesting your claims, despite FS themselves saying this is intended behaviour, you still persist. All gameplay vids presented in this and previous threads to “prove” how broken this is, have backtracked, stayed still, and taken far, far longer to kill hordes and move through maps than with other builds. As it is impossible to prove on build requires more skill than another, claiming this is super easy compared to anything else in the game is a strawman of the worst sort. It’s impossible to confirm and impossible to prove wrong.
Any video anyone posted of someone doing far better than you against a horde would simply be met with “oh but you’re really skilled, doesn’t count.”
spams hagbane and mouthbreaths
spams slayer and reees
I mean, clearing a full book Legend map with no deaths is a clear. Doing it regularly is “good” level. Arguing over being in the top 1% or the top 0.5% is pretty pointless. And you’re missing a pretty big point here: other classes certainly can get bigger numbers from big crit overkill padding, or you can get bigger numbers on longer maps with more hordes, other classes certainly are more arguably and demonstrably overpowered. But those classes tend to take a bit of skill to play. Beam/RSS/Exhaust pyro you just wiggle your mouse and spam ultimates
The biggest problem with that build I think, and you aren’t confronting with your own arguments, is the way those different builds actually play out in game. And I’d say the only thing that compares here is a Saltzpyre or Kerillian running in front and ranging everything in sight. But that takes aiming and ammo. Whereas pyro/beam/rss/exhaust can just laserbeam everything in sight and ult at a far distance, so that not much if anything ever gets close to the rest of the group to melee, and unless your other party members are excellent saltz/kerr with solid ranged capability, then they can just sit and twiddle their thumbs while pyro clears everything.
It is like that feeling you get playing with a bardin/sienna flamethrower erasing everything at close range or in hallways, except pyro can erase everything at close range and at a distance too.
See my previous post if you want some scoreboards to measure against.
I don’t accept censored scoreboards as they could have been lifted from anywhere.
I have never once come across a beam CDR sienna that could kill everything on the map. It’s one of the slowest ways of killing things. If you’re unable to get kills with a beam sienna on the team, that’s a problem with your skill, not with beam sienna.
Oh come on. Be sincere here. I agree that other classes can outperform the build I listed. If I was only motivated to win the argument by any means necessary, or to just get the build nerfed I wouldn’t concede it. If I wanted to argue like a sociopath I’d contest the legitimacy of the scoreboards he posted, claimed they weren’t his own, claim they were photoshopped, claim they were from champion games, claim the players he ran with must be terrible or joined late etc etc.
You might certainly be able to clear a horde with another build faster, by spamming for example hagbane (see if I was trolling I wouldn’t admit this), but hagbane is a different beast than beam staff. It uses ammo, isn’t going to fill up your ult bar in literally 1-2 seconds etc.
The pyro build is ridiculously easy dude. No skill at all. Just wiggle mouse and spam ult. There’s nothing in the game as low risk with no resource limitations with that much performance.
Like, you are yourself arguing against a strawman. Sir Troll claimed he could prove other builds clearing a horde in half the time I posted. You can certainly post a ranger or something blowing up a massive horde with bombs and grudgeraker or something very fast, but those are all going to be using limited resources. Sienna can do her thing literally forever, with minimal skill. This isn’t some “oh that’s just subjective” unprovable thing. This is literally a case of holding down the lazer beam button, wiggling your mouse over a mass of enemies, and spamming ult from a distance. Only thing that compares is stuff like hagbane spam, but that isn’t going to be so great at clearing armored enemies in the horde as burning head spam is, and it uses a limited resource, and you have to aim just a little bit more than spamming laser everywhere.
How many threads do we need on this and replies from fatshark saying it’s not a bug and intended… It’s not OP, it’s just boring and performs worse than builds that require you to actually play and think.
I don’t accept censored scoreboards as they could have been lifted from anywhere.
See, now you’re doing it. Looking for any possible excuse to dismiss my argument instead of arguing like a decent human being.
“They could have been lifted from anywhere”
Do a reverse image search. Check and see if I’ve lifted them from anywhere.
wouldn’t WS active be just as good? Its not as effective against CWs but its just as effective against SVs and WS has a CDR build that doesn’t prevent you from taking passive ammo regen.
I mean how about this for a troll argument:
I don’t even believe you’re a real person. You could be a Russian bot for all I know.
I mean what’s even the point of talking to someone like that?
But a Russian bot wouldn’t be able to give witty comebacks!