So I recently decided to play a bit more veteran as I haven’t played it in literal years and wanted a few more penance points for a picture frame.
The game is so easymode compared to psyker it’s utterly ridiculous. And let’s not even get into how it compares with playing the sluggish Ogryn.
Why do veterans have an AOE shout that staggers monstrosities, sends even nurgle-blessed mobs flying to the ground, including bulwarks and crushers, restores toughness above your normal maximum, and can even ress other players with a talent point?
Both from a gameplay and a lore perspective it’s nonsensical to give one class such a powerful ability. He yells so hard plague ogryns take a step back. Crushers with nurgle blessing fall backwards and onto the ground. And it restores his own and allies toughness above it’s max. And resses any downed teammates within it’s area of effect. And it has a normal blitz cooldown.
The CEO is playing veteran or what?
Edit: Some other posters have made some good points about the rez node actually being inferior in many situations, which I agree with. I think the point remains even if we discount the rez node, the ability is incredibly strong to a degree where it makes the most difficult aspects of the game seem rather easy.