Vet Krieg Set looks botched

I really hope they go back and fix it up to look better. More like the Dow 2 Krieg.


The whole extra effort thing was just a pretty lie to introduce the Krieg premium, and then also apply it to upcoming sets at a whim. Kinda made me happy to discharge the rest of my Aquilas neatly, doesn’t sound like there will be anything worthwhile now. Its too much to just put shovels and nice looking helmets with sets that already have a premium. Are you ever going to show the Steel Legion set again? Is it going to be marked up for having so much more than premium sets?

Just give me that damn book backpack, why are you withholding it for so long.


That Vet helmet is just… I need it.

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hopefully it gets another pass

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Ah yeah, the helmet cosmetic would look much better if it looked like this.

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I really hope so, but I suspect not. That’s why I just refunded mine, it’s too botched to be worth the Aquilas, and almost certainly will never be fixed if FS’s record is anything to go by.

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Yes or get a new set like one in the picture.

I wonder is there any case when payed cosmetics were redesigned for free in any game. Maybe in some moba games, but they generate such ammount of money that it’s worth to do, somehow i don’t think it will happen in DT.

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Yeah unlikely to happen but…maybe… just maybe… they will actually listen to community… however its not like I am holding my breath. Remember vt still has ad for upcoming mod support :joy::joy:

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Just want to throw my voice in here too, incase it helps with getting the set improved?

I’ve been a long time fan of the Death Korps, read all the books and short stories. And sadly, I’m disappointed with how the Veteran set looks, overall. As many have said already, my first thought was “It looks like a fan made a cosplay outfit”. Which would be fine, except it has been marketed and sold as a “Premium” cosmetic, and in the details its described as the “classic look”.

I really hope they’ll take the time to do some rescaling, adjustments to textures on the mask and webbing. And obviously, give us access to the Krieg backpack too!


Agree with the general thrust of the thread. Vet set needs a rework, and IMO, zealot’s should be brought closer to grenadier designs too. Give him a proper helmet at least ffs. Also, it’d be pretty cool if psyker looked more like a quartermaster too.


this is what we should have goten


While we’re sharing dream Krieg sets.

This is a still taken from the “Inspection” video, created by Commissar Gurke on youtube. I really like how he’s designed the Commissars outfit, and this is exactly how I always picture a “classic” Krieg regiment.

I also really like the Krieg Grenadier design, hope we can get it one day.



Agreed, just maybe they will listen. I hope so.

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it seems as though the zealot’s set is a botched version of the grenadier, he has a very similar face and chest plate but for some reason is completely missing a helmet and the shoulder pads are mega scuffed


this is what it should have been, not some cosplay


It does look a bit out of place. Maybe the devs can do a few modifications on it and do it justice? That would be nice.

The set seems to have sold well. I highly doubt they’ll ever spend any dev ressources on this again.


Yeah I don’t expect any fixes, this one’s just gonna be an eternal turd. If I’d thought Fatshark were ever gonna fix it, I’d have kept it, but have 0 regrets on the refund.

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They’ve fixed cosmetic pieces before.

Though, that was a while ago and for physics related stuff, i don’t remember if they had ever made any big changes to a model.

Not that i think correcting candles and resizing a box are “big” changes

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