Based on @alsozara’s idea it would probably be a good idea to reopen the discussion about Vet Keystones in its own separate thread now that general build diversity was fixed by patch 15.2. I put this in the gameplay feedback category because I’ll start with some general feedback I have, but I’m quite curious what others think about this too.
PS: My feedback is mainly a complaint about Weapon Specialist and Marksman’s Focus. I think that Focus Target! is generally well-designed and feels good to play.
Post that sparked the topic
Post with links for my previous attempts to articulate what’s wrong with the Keystones.
Veteran’s side Keystones are unique among keystones giving situational boost instead of being build-defining/enabling or a large power boost like other Keystones.
Their relative strength is on par with other keystones while requiring way more player input to trigger and keep up, while the playstyle they push the player toward feels either jarring, unnatural, or non-optimal.
I haven’t read one opinion that considers trying to actively maintain bonuses of either Marksman’s Focus or Weapon Specialist is in any way enjoyable or something people should do.
PS: I know there are people who find the current keystones adequate, but with the current strength of Veteran running these keystones in general I don’t think easing the strictness of maintaining/triggering the bonuses would make Vetaran too strong or be a detriment to anyone’s enjoyment currently liking the playstyles required/provided by the Keystones.
Weapon Specialist
While Weapon Specialist provides some unique bonuses (dodge speed/distance, weapon loading with Always Prepared) actively maintaining or triggering bonuses doesn’t feel good, and “dropping” melee bonuses can feel jarring (especially suddenly losing dodge speed and distance).
The main takeaway from the feedback I’ve read on the forums is that to enjoy it you should disregard the mechanics and use it as a situational “nice to have” bonus instead of trying to maintain or trigger the bonuses. I personally only use it in one of my builds and only to maintain ammo supply on Plasma Gun with always prepared on a very melee-centric build.
I think that the fact that actively pursuing the bonus comes with an unnatural playstyle that isn’t enjoyable is a failure, while the payoff provided also isn’t impactful enough both in a vacuum and especially compared to other Keystones. The closest comparison would be Inexorable Judgment which provides an easily maintainable (basically passive) boost of Ranged and Melee attack speed while also providing a general damage boost.
The other problem with Weapon Specialist is that apart from Always Prepared which gives a unique bonus the other modifiers are extremely situational (and weak), to say the least.
Invigorated does enable rotating switching on-and-off ranged weapon to maintain stamina while running Deadeye, but that’s a pretty fringe and meme tier setup that can be served by other means. It’s atleat pretty hilarious to do…
Using the others (On Your Toes, Fleeting Fire and Conditioning) is just weaker than picking anything else up from the tree. There is always something more impactful in reach including some operative nodes. I don’t even quite understand how they made it into the talent tree. Again there is a fringe use for rotating ranged weapons with On Your Toes for a toughness boost, but that’s just weird, unnatural, and isn’t even impactful.
Change/Rework Idea for Weapon Specialist
My main idea for how to change Weapon Specialist is to make it a more melee-focused keystone by helping ease the maintenance of melee boost without “switching off” while keeping the ranged bonuses still dependent on melee kills.
I actually quite like the bonuses provided for melee (AS, Dodge Distance and Dodge Speed), but the fact that you can’t maintain them without regularly shooting enemies randomly just doesn’t feel good at all.
Also, On Your Toes, Fleeting Fire, Conditioning, and Invigorated probably need complete rework or replacement. There is some possibility for them becoming a good pick with changes (like the bonus provided by Conditioning might be interesting if you can constantly maintain the Stamina Cost reduction), but they are just way too weak and situational now to pick up.
Marksman’s Focus
Where to even start with this thing…
I just quote @alsozara here again:
It might be a misunderstanding in design on my part, but the fact that a supposed “Sniper” keystone has very low synergy with single-shot high-impact weapons while it boosts faster shooting weapons tremendously feels extremely weird.
It can be an active struggle to get stacks up and maintained on weapons of Lasguns and Helbore, while you can just hip-fire at head height with autuguns to immediately gain maximum stacks.
This keystone can turn the already very strong Columbus V Infanty Autogun into a weapon that deals 1k+ damage on weak spot hits and the stack gain is so easy that the “standstill” mechanic can be absolutely disregarded.
While some enjoy the power boost provided, and the bonuses can be very impactful on high-finesse weapons indeed, I don’t think anybody actively enjoys the (somewhat bypassable) standstill requirement, and the more I push into the playstyle the worse I do… the worse it feels.
PS: I feel like I couldn’t properly list out all of my problems with Marksman’s Focus here. There are just so many things wrong with this that all my thoughts are stuck into each other while coming out.
Change/Rework Idea for Marksman’s Focus
There are two ways to go about changing Marksman’s Focus, either by pushing more towards functioning like Disrupt Destiny with timed bonuses as an immediate payoff or completely reworking it while distributing some of the power into the currently underperforming Executioner Stance and other places to still enable Veterans to go full weakspot hunting sniper.
More like Disrupt Destiny:
- Make the bonuses timed instead of dependent on moving. Should be a long duration of 10-20 seconds. A weak spot hit should refresh the duration. This would not affect people already enjoying the keystone negatively while providing more enjoyment for those who don’t like the current “forced” playstyle. It would also reduce the gap between Autoguns and “Sniper Weapons” in usability of the keystone.
- Work Exhilarating Takedown into the keystone, while replacing the current Exhilarating Takedown Node with another general toughness gain option for Veteran. Keystone should provide toughness regain on weakspot kill with ranged weapons at base while giving +3% toughness damage reduction/stack with an optional Node. This would give an immediate payoff for the playstyle of headhunting and make the keystone a more rounded mechanic.
- Reduce stack gain speed by making you only gain 1-2 stacks/kill.
- Readjust boost in power as required.
Other ideas could be changing Camouflage to give you stacks while maintaining ADS instead of standing still (to a lower limit than maximum maybe) giving it a similar feel to how surgical works on your first shot, and adding a node that provides threat reduction to enable “sniper” playstyle more without the requirement to pick up Infiltrate with Low Profile.
There is also the problem with fast-firing weapons getting way too much out of this, which I don’t really think should be the case. Apart from introducing a cooldown for the bonus toughness and stack gain (something like 0.5-1 second) which I don’t find a particularly good idea (and is also very artificial).
Complete Replacement:
Multiple things can replace MF, but the main idea is to put some of the lost bonuses into the currently somewhat lackluster Executioner Stance and new nodes (replacing left-side nodes such as Catch a Breath, Opening Salvo, and Killzone which are weak and incredibly situational currently).
Replacements could be bringing back one of the most requested mechanics as a keystone Sustained Fire/Instant reload triggering on activating Combat Ability, with modifiers that would switch to the ranged weapon with any Combat Ability, a choice between a boost to a shot on full ammo or some Talent version Cavalcade/Blaze Away amongst other possibilities.
This would make the left-side keystone into something that boosts ranged weapons in a more general way, which IMO would be a good idea.
So what do you guys think? Is there someone who thinks that actively maintaining WS or MF bonuses is enjoyable? Are there other ideas to make the keystones better? Am I just wrong on everything?