In case you missed it on our stream, we can confirm we’re still working on Versus!
We can’t reveal anything right now, but feel free to drop questions here and we’ll be looking into them when we’re ready to answer them
In case you missed it on our stream, we can confirm we’re still working on Versus!
We can’t reveal anything right now, but feel free to drop questions here and we’ll be looking into them when we’re ready to answer them
Not that I am interested in versus at all. Though since you are brave enough to hype it up:
Versus isn’t really my jam, but I’m so excited to see what I’m sure has been an incredible amount of work finally come to fruition!
EDIT: for anyone who missed the reveal on stream: Twitch
I did miss the stream, apologies if these questions are repeated/have been answered!
How long (time playing) will the versus maps be?
Will you use existing missions maps or will the maps be new?
Are you drawing inspiration from L4D(1-2) for versus or Back4Blood?
(Those 2 versus modes are strikingly different and back4blood(versus) was not recieved well!!)
How will respawns for the horde team work(Distance we can spawn/LoS)? Do we get to select the enemy specialist, or will players be rotating spawns?
How will enemy specialist abilities work? Will we have Cooldowns and melee attacks? Do abilities lock-on, or have to be a certain distance to use?
(For example the Hunter in L4D has a light melee attack but the AI never used melee as it tried to pounce 100% of the time, as a result the AI became predictable. This brought a new dynamic to the hunter class while playing VS since player-controlled hunters could do a light attack instead of pouncing. players would melee and then pounce away to avoid damage. cool stuff! )
How will versus be different for our U5?
Will the difficulty (Recruit,Vet,Champ,Legend) be selectable or will versus have its own difficulty?
How will boss encounters work? Will bosses be playable in versus?
How many players in total for VS? (8?)
How will lobbies work for versus, will the horde have a rat den?
How will the versus mode play out, will each team have a chance to play U5 and Horde?
How will the camera work for the Versus team? Will we be locked into 3rd person, or can we free roam while waiting for respawn?
How will quitting affect the match? Will horde have bots spawn or will the respawn timers decrease?
So based on the old versus mode announcement
Now that Vermintide 2 has actually had, what I suspect is, most of its PvE content added I am actually ok with this after being in opposition for a long, long time.
I think this is the right time to do it. I know many people will be extremely pleased with this announcement.
It’s never been stated that you weren’t still working on it but this is still super cool news!
My questions would be the same as everyone elses: ETA? & How will balance be done for versus?
Will it be a simplyfied version with none of our gear or will be be able to bring our own builds?
Dang that is cool
My questions are:
How do you intend to balance the gamemode and making it not very annoying to play as a Pactsworn?
How will a team “win” the game? Similar to left4dead? (aka. if everyone gets to the end alive you get 400 points, depending on how far someone made it in the level you could get between 0 to 100 points)
Will Versus be another gamemode in Vermintide 2, or a standalone side-game? (And in either case, will it cost money, or be free and funded by cosmetics?)
Will Versus balance be the same as Campaign balance, or will the two have two seperate versions? (like Ults or other things being adjusted for Versus but those changes wont bother you in Campaign)
Will Versus have all 5 difficulties? Or just a single one specifically made for versus?
Will you be able to customize your Specials? (like giving the gutter runner some different blades, or a different fur color, another mask, but keeping the cosmetics subtle enough so they dont make you look like another special or hide you better/worse in certain areas)
What is there to earn for playing Versus? Or will it be “just for fun”? (Unique Challenges, Unique cosmetics for the Ubersreik 5?, Frames?, art?, chests?)
Will Versus be able to be played with less than 8 players or will it always have to have 8 players to work? (if there are only 2 players, one would be the hero with 3 bots and the other the Pactsworn with 3 bots)
Will there be “out of bounce cheese” preventions for Gasrats and Blightstormers? (so you cant camp out of bounce throwing out your attacks without the Heroes being able to shoot you)
Will you only be able to play as specials, or also as elites or bosses? And if bosses are playable, will there be a boss-camping prevention? (So you cant softlock a game by just running beyond a flame barrier so the Heroes cant kill you)
Will we play on regular maps, or also have Versus exclusive maps?
Will Fortunes of War be a playable map? (wouldn’t mind if it’s an “private game only” thing)
Will you be able to play Chaos Wastes Maps in Versus? If yes, will it be just a single map with/-out boons+tempering or will it be 5 maps with/-out boons+tempering? (without boons+tempering pretty much being the CW-maps without the CW mechanic)
Will weave maps (with the special mechanic of the specific wind) be playable in Versus? Will the objective change too? (instead of “finish the mission fast” it will be like weaves where you need to collect X amount of essence). Or will you just be able to play on the maps themselves + the arena?
Will Versus run on dedicated servers? if yes, will Vermintide 2 also be moved to dedicated servers? Or keep peer2peer? And if peer2peer, how do you intend to prevent “ragequitting hosts”?
Will Versus be just “normal level but now it has player controlled specials” or be more than that?
Can you bring your own gear to Versus, or will it be like Chaos Wastes? (just talents, rest is given by the game)
Will there be a “Survive” map for Versus (and maybe also campaign) where you just battle for which team can survive for longer?
And that is all I can think of as of now, I really hope Versus will come out as a fun mode and not die like Weaves did
I am here to voice my displeasure: I am not interested in a competitive mode for Vermintide 2. This is not what I want at all. If I wanted to play PvP I’d just go back to being a depressed maniac by playing League of Legends.
Looking forward to more V2 stuff! I’m excited to hear that we don’t have to wait until v3.
I don’t want to be rat…… Fatshark must make A V3… Or At least something interesting… a new class for each character…is better…From that… Or new maps…campaign…different enemies…i don’t know…I play the game from Beta… I love this Game… Please give players… Additional content…to a near perfect Game
. … Or a VERMINTIDE 3…
Not a Rat -Transformation
It’s finally happening, lads! For the Rotf- I mean Sigmar!
I wonder how hard it’s going to be to find games for Cata, Chaos Wastes, and other modes once we have another game mode that will further segregate the already small playerbase. Me thinks this is Fatshark’s attempt to finally force us into the fold by getting Darktide.
I’m not so sure, I’d come back for Versus mode and I think a lot of other folks who play Darktide would too.
Their evil plan is finally coming to fruition. Next they will install electronic chips in our breads and force us to butter ourselves with Darktide jam-tm and eat it all day whilst hooked up to our darktide brain machines, where we play Darktide all day, every day.
The fall of society as we know it. Thanks Fatshark!