Versus, full of toxic players

Sad, but we went from nice people in Beta version, to this.

Maybe is only me, but 2 of 3 games I join, there are at least 1 toxic player.

Why? Idk.

But players… try to enjoy the game, don’t be toxic with noobs, that will kill the game.

Also… don’t be toxic at all.

Thank you all.



While i agree in principle the unfortunate truth is that a very bonkers mode with poor balance and no matchmaking is nothing but a hotbed for endless frustration.

It would be weirder if some people did not get toxic playing that.


FS made everything for that mod to be toxic waste.

  1. Any lvl 1 noob can join pvp straight away
  2. no MMR
  3. No balance between teams
  4. No balance in careers
  5. No ability to carry team at all. You need full team to win. And one noob in your team can make you loose.

If the VS modes was fun it would outgrow the toxicity. Unfortunately…

Id rather have a Rat5 campaign, a hilarious parody of the U5.


That is the best idea I have read in this forum.


You gave me depression.

But you are right.

I really, really love the mode, it’s so much fun but the constant frustration of facing people with several thousand hours who play Cataclysm for fun while half my team is barely able to cope with the AI hordes just drives me away time and time again

It’s that or I’m bored because the fight is so one-sided that we win first round some 150 - 15 points

On the rare time it’s actually equal, I have peak fun, when games are close and we lost or win within 50 points


@Dennemi 100% agree.

I usually spent about 30 minutes jumping between games to find that game that looks balanced and fun.

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Spot on. FS needs to move balancing teams to the top of the priority list.

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That would be really hilarious.
The rats wouldn’t need many weapons, 1 or 2 are enough. The glaive + sword and shield for the black rats for example.
Objectives could be to set things on fire.
Specials aren’t needed, crossbowmen would be enough.
The enemy leader could be a champion as foot knight with similar abilities as the chaos champions. Or a wizard of course.
They already have human models in the cages.
The first drachen map has intact houses.