I think those are not meant to hint at something, or at least that’s what i think, the others i’ve heard (heard a new one just now) are more or less only smalltalk, one about playing cards with Lohner and the other one about screws (yes, seriously). All with Kruber.
Edit: actually, it was not screws, it was training Lohner’s ‘lads’. I only heard drilling and heads. I should stop tinkering around, i guess.
You can hear it at the of this vid i made a sound bug report with.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. But still, some kind of assault/last stand map in the keep could be pretty neat.
Could be a weekly event perhaps? Once in a while a roaming band of heretics finds the keep and decide to investigate and we have to fight them off. If such a thing is even possible, not sure what sort of magic shenanigans are in place to hide the keep.
So far feels really good! Can’t put my finger on it exactly but combat just feels better to me. I presume that’s probably the changed enemy AI primarily and maybe the phantom swing fixes as well that’s making things feel better. Did a few legend with bot runs and didn’t feel like I was copping unpredictable hits in hordes and the like.
I am enjoying this patch as well. The changes to gors are especially appreciated imo. The entire patch seems to make the game feel more consistent, which is a good thing.
I still wish for a VT2 with slower, more punishing combat and fewer, tougher enemies, but that doesn’t seem like a reality at this point especially with how powerful the new skill trees are. I think this patch is a great step forward.
Still waiting on a fix for blightstormers casting through walls and/or teleporting out of sight. That seems like a much-requested issue to me. But I understand that with all the mobility the blightstormer has that kind of thing can be hard to track.
Yea and there is nothing about it in patch notes unless I missed it. The core combat got changes. Those kind of changes should be in patch notes.
Is it possible to get info on what exactly got changed ? @Fatshark_Hedge
I didn’t have much time to play over weekend, but did 6 runs or so and at least the running attacks certainly got changed for the better and I don’t remember seeing the uber tracking thru dodge etc. Which is great change, since players should get imo mainly destroyed by specials, bosses, patrols etc not uber-trash mob hordes.
But as for balancing events… it’s bad, still very bad. Fort went from HC mode to no-event mode. Convo got easier I think, but still it’s nuts. Stand is same I guess - hardest of em all prolly (and miles away from average event difficulty). It’s still a mess.
No, it didn’t. Why would they lie about what made it into the patch? Makes no sense.
This is why everything feels so much better:
Updated all hidden spawners on all levels to try and combat facespawning issues.
Updates to enemy considerations to try and fight hyperdensity.
Updates to horde spawning, primarily targeting ambushes.
There’s a big difference between live and the beta in this regard. If you’re used to dealing with insane hyperdensity and a little jankiness with regards to enemy attacks on live when playing Cataclysm, of course it’s going to feel vastly different.
There is no difference in TTK on Legend as far as I can tell, and I was using the same loadouts as I always do.
Edit: Oh, and the fix for bugged crits on certain weapons and the ghost swing fixes. Another thing that makes it feel less janky sometimes.
Edit 2: Not “sometimes”. Consistently less janky. This build of the game feels great.
If you mean didn’t, like there are no changes in slot system, tracking, running attack or anything like it, then you need to be more perceptive, since there 100% are, significant changes.
Could see that after playing for first 10 minutes.
The time to kill off an entire horde or something would however be lower when there is less hyperdensity, running attacks, and fast attacks which would all leave more openings for attacking, rather than having to be on the defensive all the time. I think that’s what @flisker meant.
Maybe it’s the “Updates to enemy considerations to try and fight hyperdensity.” (which doesn’t really say much… who knows what this really means, did they change range for initiating the running attacks or are enemies less aggressive or something else ? Or mix of those things ?)
I’m not talking about time to kill or spots hordes spawn from, I’m talking about mobs not doing the guided missile running attacks anymore and I did not get the mid-dodge-super tracking hits and other nonsense that was happening before. Which made the game much much easier, in a good way.
Maybe it’s still there, I didn’t play that much, but it certainly got reduced significantly.
Changes to hyper-density would affect the slot system. They didn’t change running attacks other than the change to hyper-density. This means that fewer attacks come through the front line of the horde, presumably. They also removed gor’s kick which had a jank animation. Spawn an enemy or two in the keep and see if they behave differently. They do not.
To expound, I am guessing that enemies behind the frontline are less likely to attack through the frontline. If they attack through the frontline they have to stand in the slot of the mob in the frontline which means hyperdensity. Once you amplify the spawns enough (like OC3 or OC3+), there is no discernible difference in the enemy behavior.
That wouldn’t tell me anything. I was just saying that the way runnig attacks come now is very very different and same goes for dodging enemies in action, maybe it’s the changes to hyperdensity/slot system.
But there is still many bullsh*t attacks, like spearmen attacking with the spear next to me and then sliding sideways on me… or CW slamming the axe next to me and killing me, that kinda crap did not get fixed. But the running attacks of trash mobs are somehow significantly improved.
So you feel like it’s the same ?
If so, then my guess is that it’s because in OC3+ you have to play some OP nonsense so it doesn’t really matter, if you are BW you just f*ck up everything, with WHC you have the big mobility and high dodge so that wasn’t really problem before either, with Shade or Maiden it’s again big dodge, invis …
But if you play some sh*t, like FK with normal weapon, not non-stop retarde_d bash mode, then the difference in Cata and higher is huge, in terms of dodging/controlling trash mobs.
lol we’ve done an OC3 trio with a bolt staff a BH and a repeater Huntsman. It’s not OP Classes. It’s that enough things spawn to force hyperdensity. When enemies become hyperdense, they act just like they always have. I can’t tell you that it’s the same in regular Cata as I’ve only played like 1 Cata map, but if it is different it is because enemies are less likely to become hyper-dense.
And it would tell you something. Spawn some mobs and see what triggers a running attack. As much trouble as you say you’ve been having with running attacks I assume you would have done that before this Beta so you could learn what triggers them. Now spawn more and see if it is the same behavior.
Did few more runs yesterday and no I’m not getting the insane running attack issue anymore in beta.
Before the most offensive issue imo was when trying to kite a horde with low dodge class, running attack would sometimes just keep chaining on me. And those were coming from sides. That was one running attack issue and second one was that sometimes mobs would do kinda standing running attack.
I will just record and upload clips next time, it’s much easier to show then try to explain it.
Oh, I missed the “with a bolt staff” part, meaning with BW, the most broken ass op class in the game currently That’s what I was talking about.
Scoreboard: BW 100 000 damage. Krub which should be pure dps class got 60 000 and BH which is kinda Salzhobo 50 000.
I would be very curious to see how someone is doing C3O (on live) with like non-shiled Footknight, RV/IB, BH and Handmaiden. Or something like that, some team without the OP stuff.
And BH is pretty crazy also if one can aim well, so that one is in special class of OP_if_skilled But that’s ok.
Also you wouldn’t really experience the issues with running attacks I was talking about previously to that high extent with these classes, because you’re not face in the horde most of the time, like you would be when playing lets say Footknight and trying to get the damn push connected so you could get that 2 seconds of buffed attack speed