rolls eyes Melee BW is solid but definitely not some insanely OP class that nerfs all mechanics. If you think repeater huntsman is supposed to do a lot of damage you’re actually insane. It’s a garbage build. BH is trash. And we can easily beat OC3 with any comp you want to think up. It’s not difficult.
Also, “not face in the horde.” We were all on ranged classes that had to play frontline. Shouldn’t be easier than meleeing on a tank class. It’s a mechanics issue.
“BH is pretty crazy also if one can aim well.” Really? Maybe in legend. That’s just not a true statement at all for anything above legend. If BH is “OP,” please tell me which class isn’t. As far as I know, BH is the worst career in the game. So if all of the careers are so OP, why is the game not super easy?
At this point, I don’t know what to tell you.
What I said is that Huntsman as class is pure dps, if not, then I have no idea what role that class has, and my point was that BW got 40k more dmg done.
Well doesn’t matter now, since the old version is gone now, I’m just saying that it was completely fu*ked and next time I will just record the stuff so we don’t have these kind of conversations.
What are you talking about, if you got some godly aim you can headshot stuff and get 90% CDR on ult, do few slaps with rapier or something and ult the crap out of stuff repeatedly.
Do purple pot and blast a boss faster than Shade probably.
It’s pretty nuts. It sure as hell is not worst career in the game, that’s ridiculous statement.
It is literally the worst class in the game. What is worse? The only career even close is UC. And sure you can ult stuff in the head, but sniping singular elites is trash in OC3. And Huntsman is a dps class with blunderbuss. Its a sniper class with handgun or manbow. Those are two different things. How do you think you get damage dealt in this game? It’s not from sniping single targets, it’s from AOE unless you’re playing with low enough spawns. Repeater doesn’t snipe or do AOE. It’s a garbage build. BW only wins damage because Flame Sword is AOE. We could have easily done the same w/ Unchained.
BH is good in legend. But it gets increasingly worse as spawns increase. If you do not believe it is the worst class in the game, just ask anyone who does high level content. You will get the same answer from everyone. Either UC or BH. It is not close. Both careers are in a horrible place.
I see you clearly dont know how to play UC and BH if you say they are worst lol UC is still very good at cata but you need higher skill than just pyro/bw spam. BH is with xbow is amazing at horde clear special snipe and still can devastate bosses on demand
X bow is amazing at horde clear? Is it that sweet 2 shot marauder BP or the fact you can hit 2 gors at a time with your bolt? And UC is way to squishy for endgame content. Even the best players in this game explode with regularity. However you can definitely just spam on UC the same as you can with pyro. Until you get guard broken once or stuck in gas or gunner fire. Then you die.
You can oneshot any special with xbow headshot on BH, unless I’m missing something. It’s not getting much better than that, plus reload is pretty quick.
No its not. It’s solid on normal Cata & Twitch. Legend is joke, anything is good there.
And UC with flail is solid on Cata also.
I mean, was even before they fixed the hyperdensity, running attack and so on.
Huntsman is trash right now, that’s something I would not argue about.
I can do some Twitch Cata fine without exploding, and I’m not best player so I doubt about this.
But anyway, this is leading nowhere at this point.
Twitch Cata is a far cry from modded difficulties. And BH has nothing to do with headshotting specials. Every career with an x bow or longbow can do that. Just go ask someone else my man. Only about 15 people are doing endgame content, but they are all gonna tell you the same thing I did. Just the way it is. If it scales well into endgame content, then I’d like to see a video of it.
Depends on settings, for example 0/60 timer, 1.5-2x spawns, is not far cry from Onslaught, that’s for sure.
And going down to 0/45 or 0/30 it gets crazy.
Yea, but not every class have extra 100% crits and faster reload.
And ye ofc it’s not ideal for C3O or C3OX2 or something… why ? Because it got no AOE.
That’s not issue in normal Cata because it’s not walls of elites there.
We were originally talking about OC3 though… “Once you amplify the spawns enough (like OC3 or OC3+), there is no discernible difference in the enemy behavior.” That’s what we were talking about to start when you said you can’t tell if enemy behavior is different because of BW and shade or something ridiculous like that.
Also, we just finished running. Did some OC3 w/ HM + BH + RV + FK w/ M+S. No shotguns. No hagbanes. Then did a huntsman, RV, UC, HM run.
As far as 0 60 being the same as OC3? Nah. Not at all. Threat keeps it from getting too crazy. Maybe if you played on modded and turned off threat it would be similar difficulty, but probably not really close. You should give it a try sometime. I think it’d give you some perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of classes.
And you were also claiming that it’s going to sh*t progressively after Legend, which is what I was addressing.
Yes for fu*ks sake, dude like if you did not notice huge change in this beta/new patch, then you’re the one who has no clue what is going on, and reason for that is that it just wasn’t problem or it wasn’t as big of a deal on many classes because of the way of fighting. If you are bullying stuff with billhook with whc for example, it’s not the same as if you are trying to push stuff on super close range with executioner to get the buff that only works on connecting push part of push attack.
I said Onslaught, not Onslaught Cata 3 … this is such a waste of time.
Threat doesn’t keep crap from crazy, Twitch spawns are not blockable via threat or intensity.
Yea now… now that most of the insane crap is fixed, that’s why I said this is pointless by now, since stuff got fixed.
This whole conversation feels like I’m just getting trolled…
Have you ever even attempted OC3? What I’m telling you is that your perceived changes in AI are related to hyperdensity changes. However, if you spawn enough mobs, they still stack hyperdense and the behavior is no different than it was before. I don’t know why you would even bother arguing with me when you have no experience in the content I’m telling you about. And you haven’t spawned enemies to test individual ai behavior. You’re literally going off of a feeling. Super unreliable.
This has been a treat mate.
Just tried some normal Onslaught Righteous Stand a bit but I wasn’t enjoying that because of all the mess that was going on, I just couldn’t take those ret@rded running attacks, sliding enemies, enemies attacking thru other enemies and so on. (Especially after playing that weave nightmare…) And all of that was of course just magnified because of the amount of enemies in Onslaught. And I wanted to play some off meta stuff and it was just unplayable, didn’t like it at all.
I’m not arguing about what exactly it is, I don’t know what exactly they changed, nobody knows, the patch notes are super vague in this regard.
I don’t know what your scenario is when u stack who knows how many mobs in some space on modded, what I was talking about is that the change on stuff I play lately, that being cata / cata twitch is huge. And in positive way, so it’s good. I was just saying that it sucks that they can’t say what exactly got changed and in what way. And you might be right, it might be “just” due to slot system changes, but then it would still be nice to get more info on that.
This wasn’t about individual mobs… spawning individual mobs would tell me absolutely nothing…
I’m done with this… if this is not trolling man then there is some incredible miscommunication going on.
I mean, if you aren’t willing to test then maybe you should trust people who are instead of arguing. You test individual mobs to rule out the possibility that the mob’s AI changed as far as its attack choices. Individual mobs behave the same. Thus, it has to be related to their positioning AI which is controlled by the slot system. You also know that they added extra slots to the side of your character which is why it sometimes feels like mobs are trying to run behind you. Once you have this information, you can form a hypothesis as to why you are triggering fewer running attacks. Then you can test that hypothesis. I hope this helps you test in the future. Later bud.
My core point was that it would be nice if they actually told us what changed, instead of some vague short line in patch notes.
And yes, I said it multiple times already, I don’t argue that it’s AI changes or it’s all slot system tweaks, or whatever else. But that is sucks that we have to argue about this and still not now know for sure what exactly changed… instead of just reading it in patch notes.
You guys still going at it? It’s been 3 days and the EXP beta is over We could just ping @Fatshark_Hedge and ask him what exactly were the changes to the slot system/enemy pathing… Then we can let this thread sleep peacefully.