Ventilation Purge Suggestion / Sharpshooter Volley Fire Suggestion

So far I am loving the game, but I have to say the “Standard Ranged Troops” are TOUGH. However I enjoy the challenge and mix-up to gameplay style from V2. That being said, I ran into my first absolute frustration moment on an Uprising Mission featuring Ventilation Purge. Now let me start off by saying in theory I LOVE this modifier creating a sense of constant pressure and angst in the mission. But in that fog with probably 20+ Standard Range Traitors 2 Heavy Gunners a Reaper AND a sniper at once. It’s hell on earth, which I understand is the whole point but no having ANY visibility and player to npc suppression feeling pretty lack luster so far here are my thoughts on a potential solution?

Ventilation Purge Suggestion: I think the feeling and limited visibility make for a fun chaotic change of pace, however most Traitor Guardsmen don’t have any sort of thermal optic headgear, just standard helmets with the exception of the Heavy Gunners and Snipers which I’m fine with; so them being able to aimbot me from any position whilst I have NO clue where they are (see Sharpshooter Volley Fire Suggestion) makes it feel just very frustrating. Now I think a cool modifier to add along side this Event, would be to limit or lessen the spawn of Traitor Guardsmen because, hell they can’t see us either, aside from the occasional packs, keeping snipers and Heavy Gunners makes sense due to their optics assuming thermal vision. But instead add a heavier emphasis on Horde, melee Elite and Specialist frequency making it harder to see those gnarly aggressive push encounters coming and still keeping adaptive play at the forefront. Dogs, mutants, Crushers, Netters, Flamers will still have a field day and I think the fog playing a role in not even knowing how thick the seemingly endless horde coming at you is, while not being absolutely punished by range fire you can’t identify in the fray would make it feel so much better.

Sharpshooter Volley Fire Suggestion: In relation to the suggestion above, I firmly believe that the Sharpshooter’s Volley Fire ability NEEDS to highlight standard Ranged Traitor Guardsmen at least for the duration, if that were implemented I feel like the current iteration of Ventilation Purge wouldn’t feel so oppressive and frustrating because your Veterans would be able to better handle and deal with the ranged threats while your Ogryns and Zealots hacked up the frontlines. Personal side note, I also would like to be able to “Tag” or “Ping” standard Traitor Guardsmen as well.

Just my thoughts on the matter, luv me mates, luv me Emprah, luv me rations.

If standard ranged enemies weren’t 100% accurate with every shot they make then it’d make combat with them overall a lot better. Imagine playing VP and having to fight off a horde coming out of the fog, while lazbolts from traitor guardsmen whizz past your head. They don’t even know where you are, they just know the poxwalkers have found something, and they’re hammering the area.

But right now they’re 100% accurate even while you’re suppressing them, which makes combat with them a massive pain. Add to that ranged shots now having this knockback effect universally, not just for shotgunners and heavy gunners, and it’s just not fun.

I 100% agree with what you wrote here and I think that could be pretty thematic and fun as well in said event. But like you said, as it stands right now, they’re PIN-POINT accurate from pretty much any range and even trying to reposition, or sprint out of firing lines you get clipped once you’re now staggered and just hobbling and now more exposed than before.