Sharpshooter’s career skill is doing too much for too little, and crucially, doing it too quickly. The speed at which a a veteran can kill is IMOP disproportionate to the number of threats the game throws at you. In order to better spread the duties of heretic slaying more evenly amongst the entire team, I think volley fire needs a rework.
This is of course only a case-study of one, but I’m 300 hours in, and have played each class roughly equally. I enjoy that each career has a unique answer to different threats, but more and more I’m finding that a veteran with a bolter or an auto-gun can simply answer faster than anyone else. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve charged my zealot at a big group of gunners and elites, only then to arrive at a large pile of meat and bolt-shrapnel, I’d be a rich man. Or at least a man with many nickels.
Here’s what I think would help: Remove volley fire’s +50%(!!) bonus damage, add suppression clear/resistance and/or an accuracy bonus, and replace the level 30 feat Sustained Fire’s instant reload with a +25% damage bonus against all targets while volley fire is active. This would give you 3 nicely rounded talents at that level that each synergies well with different weapon archetypes, while also removing the option to put THIRTY bolts down range, half of which deal +50% damage, in roughly 5 seconds, every 25 seconds.
Few enemies of the Imperium can withstand such levels of dakka, and rightly so. One option could be to increase the number of elites that spawn, high intensity levels certainly feel like more of a team effort. But then you’d be balancing difficulty around one career, and the Ogryn’s are already in bi-weekly therapy.
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Good chats so far, It’s been pointed out that I misunderstood how the suppression clear worked on volley fire. I thought it cleared any suppression you currently had on activation, while it in fact makes you suppression immune. When I’m using volley fire I’m too frequently caught up in the meaty thwap of agripinaa rounds into the backside of a bulwark mwah. I concede the accuracy bonus/suppression clear in exchange for the 50% damage is not a good trade, even with +25% damage as a level 30 talent, too much for too little. I don’t want to nerf the veteran, I want to make the veteran more interesting to play. I still think a change is needed, too low TTK against too many things, but I haven’t come up with a good solution, hope the conversation continues.