There should be an option to spec Volley Fire into automatically reload like it used to be.
Volley Fire no longer provides toughness dmg reduction, please don’t take auto reload away.
Well we have this one now.
Although it kinda sucks.
This one does not require the ult to be active (which i think was actually a good requirement to have), but we now take 2x the toughness dmg that we would before (50% reduction vs 75% reduction), on top of only having about half of the toughness we had before.
So unless shooter dmg was reduced (they might have done that, not sure), veterans basically take 4x the toughness dmg from shooters, compared to before the update.
And as soon as you drop below 75% toughness, the resistance just goes away entirely, so you instantly lose all of your remaining toughness when fighting shooters… Good times.
Then again, there are a lot more elite shooters now, which allows the vet to restore pretty good amounts of toughness.
I remember the times when people talked about how the veteran seemed to be the class that the devs put the most effort into.
Well, now with this update, they really sem to have pooped the bed with the veteran, while making pretty good skill trees for the other three.
It is decent if maintain it well. However, an ult should provide a better way to escape or get out of dangerous situation. Now, it’s all about dealing damage. If you use las gun shooting from far away is ok because it has such high amo. But if you use a machine gun, you gotta reload first and then ult which is pretty dumb for getting out of crisis. Feels bad man.
btw, zealot is pretty damn good now
Agreed. Give me my old playstyle back. The new ones are no fun.
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