Map Selection should be 1st priority for a fix but this is an issue too.
Toughness as a mechanic feels really rough right now at T5 for any non-vet class. The amount of damage that it can take feels minuscule, especially bc a strong attack can chip you at 100%, and the bleed through when not at 100% (bug? feature? I dunno) makes it feel less impactful, especially to a zealot who’s trying to keep low hp for 6 matyrdom stacks or an Ogryn who’s trying to exist. Trying to regen through coherency or feats takes a very long time and if you’re not being proactive with enemies, they will pick you apart while you squat. This was recently exacerbated by the damage enemies did in Elite Resistance, although I haven’t had too much experience on that seeing as it’s not been in rotation (see above map issue).
Optimal play right now is run enough toughness to eat 1 random horde hit / gunshot and trade that for on kill / passive regen which will put you back at 100%. And, you know, that might be enough if not for shooters.
Something has to be done about shooters. They’re considered a basic mob but are the most threatening enemies in the game. They interrupt your slow or staggered toughness regen at range, they stagger and push you so you can’t approach or dodge or move into cover or rez allies under pressure or return fire until you take you lumps, they suppress you so you can’t accurately shoot them, they can interrupt and waste your ult, and they do nutso damage to your toughness. They’re chip damage that cannot reasonably be avoided bc there’s approx. a billion of them, they scatter and hide in large arenas, and the reaction time between their sound queue and hitscan volleys are very short. You will eventually get caught between slides / unaware and you will get chunked.
I fear one single green eye more than any boss or special or elite. I can kite a Slug / Pog / Spawn all day. I can wait for a Reaper’s gun to jam. I can hear, tag, and dodge / interrupt a Shotgunner / Trapper / Flamer / Rager / Mutie / etc. All these enemies are supposed to be huge threats so it’s only fair that you have options at your disposal to mitigate or avoid them. But a single green eye? I was duo’ing today as Psyker, was at 143 toughness (full shields) but turned around and ate one volley from a silent green eye post horde that took 100% of my shields and did 8 hp damage. Before that, I needed to heal bc I simultaneously ate a volley from 2 hiding green eyes and went from full shields (143) & hp (188) to about 1/10 of my hp remaining. That is insane output for 2 trash mobs with range. How are we supposed to deal with shooters without getting shot?
Not even vets are totally safe from being harangued by shooters. See Stalkers. Why does ulting with my anti-shooter ult feel like a mistake? Why does killing a shooting target not continue it? My solution for this one would be let the Stalkers remain unmarked by the ult (their whole shtick) but let them chain like any normal shooter. Or introduce some feat where you can see them on ult (camo expert?) so we’re not overpowering the already strong anti-shooter ult.
It’s also annoying there’s no damage mitigation on curios for basic infantry for non-vet classes. Curios are a whole other bag of worms though.
I’m not sure what the solution should be but it’s very unfun and unhealthy that basic infantry is scarier and more oppressive than any taggable target. It should be addressed.