I really enjoy this game but its definitely not perfect and thats okay, the only issues i’d say it has at the moment is how fire based damage and lingering fire works, pox bursters and chip damage.
for the fire i think its kind of ridiculous that it instantly removes all toughness and then starts hit stunning you per tick of damage, at higher levels like difficulty 4-5 i would not mind fire being this deadly since being more aware of your surroundings is key but for all the lower levels and learning the game it feels absurd being punished to such a length for stepping in some fire you might not be aware of. I think it should do significant damage to toughness as the threat its meant to be but in a fair way, like one third of your toughness per tick in the lower levels could be an idea?
for pox bursters i find them annoying as they run at you with no sign of stopping and you’re supposed to shove them with a melee but that doesnt really work that well and half the time they blow up before you can reach them doing major damage to the player and again removing all toughness, for this i felt having them be more susceptible to stagger through headshots with ranged weapons or something along those lines would be in place, with the higher difficulty giving it more stagger resistance.
For the last portion is chip damage where i believe many players have voiced their dislike to the concept and I am not a fan either but can see the balancing they were trying to go for there, I just think in its current state toughness feels almost redundant for melee centric classes like zealot or the close ranged ogryn, zealots whole kit feels like a rip from vermintide but with new game mechanics that cant support it properly. I do think chip damage could have a home in this game but not as a lethal damage, you can drop to 1hp from chip but as long as your toughness dont break you wont go down, I feel this adds more incentive to manage your toughness and in a scenario where it breaks you tried your best but didnt do it well enough, would feel like a more earned death than having 1 health from chip with 98% toughness remaining and 1 stray dreg hits you from the back and you go down instantly. when in a low health full toughness scenario as it is right now, toughness feels like it might as well not even be there.
These are just my thoughts to what I think would need some readjusting for a more enjoyable time playing the game