Veteran Volley Fire Sustained Fire removal reversal

I suggest that you bring back the ability that was removed, since the new node system makes it extremely painless to be reinplemented, as I myself really enjoyed using Sustained Fire with the pre-class rework veteran. It should be brought back to Executioner’s Stance!

If it is too powerful for the instant reload and 60% toughness replenishment on activation to be made into one node, you can separate them, and you can lower the amounts to some such as “increased reload speed by 100% for the first reload when activating Executioner’s Stance” and “Gives 50% / 40% toughness replenishment on activation.”

Alternatively you could have the ability give all toughness back on activation, to have it be uniform with the other veteran ultimates.

All issues of balance can also be addressed with increasing the cooldown time.

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