As the title suggests. Give the Vet Smoke grenades the ability to put out pox/scab flamer firelines, and bomber fire zones. This would give them some added utility, and makes sense from a real world standpoint. They would be more desireable as a utility option, and give some valuable protection to the team.
I strongly support this. Numerous other people have expressed this idea to me and its actually a fun and cool idea.
i think i have to disagree with this, slightly.
instead, bombers should be tricked by smoke as well (bc they currently arent), and instead units inside of fire should be slowed, or get brittleness debuff as an optional skill point investment.
if you kill flamers and bombers that get in the smoke fast enough youll have your fire free area but you wont be incentivised to throw smoke at puddles of fire when theres no threats around for smoke to affect. A slow would also make smoke grenades pretty effective at creating space in melee while retaining their niche of being an anti-shooter nade, not making them direct upgrades over shredders frags.
Fire is a major part of high tier gameplay, and turning off fire in an area entirely would be game breakingly powerful, i feel.
And while we’re at it, snipers ought to be tricked too.
I feel like smoke should have some effect on melee even if it’s just turning on friendly fire for melee units stuck in the cloud. I know it’s kind of gamey to a degree but playing military samdbox games like Arma I’ve seen it happen a few times, especially with mods that make the smoke realistically thick such as splendid smoke.
I also bet any ranged attacker is just shooting at any shape in the smoke and just exactly checking who it is.
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