Smoke grenade upgrade - Air and ground purifier

I was talking with a friend of mine about Saftey fire (From the old Tobuscus video) and he said we could use some saftey water. I know there were posts saying the smoke grenades should put out fires, but what if they cleansed the air of all hostile effects, especially the pox gas. It can get really annoying, especially when doing the phage tree in Hab Dreyko.
The problem now is that players don’t really understand how the smoke grenade works. I have a friend who thinks supression doesn’t exist because he can’t use it consistently. If you have some more support uses for it, I think people will use it more especially if they can be sure it’ll give them the results they want.


To be honest, people say that smoke grenade is good and cool and awesome…
(Also, I am not playing Veteran, I am just talking about my experience with them)

But literally nobody uses it, I have seen like 2 people use it in the last two months, one of them thought it wasn’t working, and the second one was good I guess, but it was annoying to always be smoked.

Some additional effects would be cool, like removing fire upon explosion, or the same with green farts, but until then, Smoke Vets for me will be - Vapers :cloud:


I think extra enemy disruption effects would be a decent addition yeah. Personally I draw the line at giving smokes player buff effects like toughness regen or attack speed or whatever. Extra effects along those lines would be a mistake.

Personally I’d really like them to explode on contact, I’d also love the option to double tap the grenade button to peg one immediately at my feet without going through the equipping and aiming animations.

If they’re gonna be primarily anti ranged enemies I need to be able to use them quickly when caught out by exactly those enemies. If you do get caught out by ranged enemies you’re already going to be half dead and back to cover before your smoke grenade is actually helping.


It’s funny 'cause we were trolled hard the last few days from smokers, bad luck streak I guess. Maybe someone was making a cinematic video of a crusher patrol coming out of the smoke with charged overheads.

I’d love a rework sooner rather than later, and until then I ain’t sticking around to play in an 80’s British pub.

There was another recent thread with some suggestions, I’m leaning towards an acid brittle debuff 'nade.

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You just made me flashback to 2011 with but a simple mention of his name.

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The benefit of a grenade that actually kills things and 1-hits crushers (which is even stronger than Ogryns entire box of the same grenade) and even regenerates… Is surely a billion times more useful than a smoke grenade that obscure the players views and pretty sure I still get shot by snipers through them.

Speaking of snipers… Why are they always combined with ventilation purge on special conditions? How do snipers see through thick fog?


They use Preysense (Infrared) Goggles.

Preysense Goggles - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

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Ah well that answers that then lol. Thanks.

Makes smoke grenades even more pointless.


That’s a great idea, not because I think pox gas/bombers need nerf, they are easy to deal with but only because smoke grenade is poop. It’s legit dog poop. Need something to make it better.

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Do smoke grenades weaken enemies? If not then that could be cool and less pointless.

Like the opposite to the tox bombers.


the ideas are good, but all i read smiling is “febreeze grenade” :rofl: cleanse them heretics


Tbf, imagine the smell from the nurgle “infused” forces :joy: :face_vomiting:

Probably like 1000 dog farts all at once.


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