Using pick up commands to tell players/bots to get items does not work all the time

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Since the 6th anniversary and pvp beta update there is a new bug where you cant use the social wheel command to tell someone to pick up items, something is broken because when i tell a bot to pick up a item they ignore the command and it does not show up in the chatbox until i use the command 1-4 more times. I have no idea if this bug stops players from seeing the pick up item message because almost all of my playtime is solo with bots these days.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

50-100% I have no idea what causes it to happen but when it does it takes me 1-4 more tries on the same item to get a bot to pick it up.

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Do you have the ping and social wheel on the same button? I think I remember something like that from a couple of years back. Since then I have two buttons. One for ping/sw and one for the wheel only.

No here is what my keybinds look like:
Tag/ping only is on Q.
Social wheel only is on T.
Tag/social wheel on the same key is not used.

There is no problem using the commands until the item ping happens at which point it fails very often and when it fails no sound plays and nothing happens in the chatbox.

I have played the game for over 6 years now and this only started happening when the new pvp update released on the 7th of march.

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